Dating Sodapop (Headcanons)

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*He always tells you that you're beautiful every day..
*When he took your virginity he was so gentle with you, wiping away every single tear and making sure that you were okay every step of the way.
*He continuously worries that he is not good enough for you, that you could do so much better than a reckless Greaser like him.
*You always having to assure him that you're the only guy that you're in love with after what Sandy did to his broken heart.
*Always having silly little fights with him over practically nothing.
*Lots and lots of play wrestling... he always lets you win.
*Sodapop getting jealous of all the guys who try to hit on you...
*You getting jealous of all the girls that hit on him... and Soda secretly liking it.
*He always hugs you, and kisses your forehead when you're upset... and tell you that everything is going to be okay.
*Always having passionate sex
*Cooking the boys dinner when Darry has to work back because you know Ponyboy cannot stand Sodapop's sugary dinner creations.
*Ponyboy always looking up at you.
*Darry coming to you when he needs relationship advice.
*Dancing around the kitchen with Sodapop to "Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley
*Sodapop buying you chocolate whenever you get your period and staying in with you to watch Elvis movies.
*Darry constantly telling you how happy he is that Sodapop has found a good girl like you.
*Being there for the whole gang, they always come to you when they need advice about anything.
*Taking care of all their cuts and bruises when they get injured in rumbles

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