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Ponyboy Curtis

Ponyboy would be one for cuddling all the time. Wherever and whenever. He would love to show you affection and kiss your forehead.

Sodapop Curtis

Soda calls you cute names like "sugar" and "baby girl" while holding you. He always wants to cuddle with you laying on top of him and he would play with your hair. He would also love when you fall asleep on him.

Darrel 'Darry' Curtis

Darry never really has time for cuddling. Even if you two live in the same house with the boys he would come in and just fall asleep instantly in bed, but on some nights he would wrap you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you and how he appreciates all you do for the boys with being their mother figure.

Dallas 'Dally' Winston

Dally a famous player would be a sucker for slinging his arm around you and pulling you in his lap and kissing you all over. "You're my girl. Forever and always." Then kissing you making all the guys groan with how lovey dovey the two of you get.

Johnny Cade

Johnny's favorite thing is to be held by you and you stroking his hair. He is so desperate for love and affection and you are more than happy to provide the boy with all the love you can give.

Steve Randle

Steve wouldn't be keen on cuddling, but he would always play fight you and grab you in big bear hugs to suffice for the lack of cuddling.

Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews

Two-Bit would love to show off that you were his girl and always be affectionate in front of everyone. He would take every chance to snuggle and give you back massages and everything in between.

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