How they hug you

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He would come up behind you whilst you were cooking, he'd wrap his large arms around your waist, kissing your neck gently as he whispered beautiful, loving things into your ears.

You'd entangle your hands together, savouring the moment before it was destroyed by the loudness of the gang.


Sodapop's favourite place to hug you was down at the river where he could explore new ways to cuddle you without you getting hurt. You'd run and jump into his arms and he'd drag you down into the water, never allowing his arms to move from you.


He would hug you at the most random of times. That's what you loved the most. He was always so careful, thinking you were nothing but a fragile, porcelain China doll.

At school he would pick you up bridal style in the middle of the hall and you'd laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his nose.


Steve would press you up against a wall, his hands on your hips as he'd grab you by the collar of your jean jacket. He'd pull you to his lips, biting timidly at your bottom lip whilst you both fought for dominance. And once that was finished he'd just hug you, looking into your beautiful eyes.


He was always playful with you. When it came to you there was never a violent bone in his body.

He'd pick you up in his arms and spin you around before placing you back down, wrapping his arms around you. Then he'd lean forward, pressing his lips to yours sweetly.


Dallas Winston was never gentle with anyone, sometimes not even with you.

You would both lie in bed together and the moment you'd decide to get up, he would grab your arm and pull you back in to the comfort of his arms. He never wanted to let you go for fear you'd leave him.

That was his one single fear.


Johnny was always kind to you, his voice would never rise when you were in the same vicinity as him.

And when you hugged you felt so safe in his arms, he'd bring you tightly to his chest as he kissed the top of your head, his fingers gently playing with your hair.

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