Stay Wity Me (Dallas X Reader)

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You threw your head back in laughter, the back of your head grazing your boyfriends' shoulder as your body shook with laughter. Dallas instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you, as he shook his head and a small smile playing on his lips. Two-Bit smiles cheekily as the group roars with laughter at his story, even Darry manages a smile at Two's bashful story.

You wiggle your fingers that are laced with Dally's playfully as he rests his chin on the top of your head. You comfortably slump into the curve of his body and your bring your intertwined hands up to your lips. You blush as you felt Ponyboy's watchful stare glance to you and your boyfriend's affectionate position on the stairs of the Curtis porch. You knew it was weird for the boys to see Dallas be affectionate, but you appreciated them not drawing so much attention to it.

You feel Dallas shift behind you and he slowly pulls his hands away from you. You frown at the cold absence of his hands and lean forward to allow him room to readjust himself. But instead of your boyfriends big hands pulling you back into his embrace, you felt the lack of his warmth as his tall frame stood up and towered over you. You look up at him curiously, only to see him pull out a lighter and consume the small space between you two with the smell of a gagging and familiar smell; tobacco. You sigh heavily as he side steps your form and makes his way across the lawn to go sit on the curb. You wave your hand through the air to rid the atmosphere of the thick and lingering smell.

As soon as Dallas was without earshot, the boys turn to you with eyes hungry for new gossip. You roll your eyes and run your hand down your face, annoyed with your boyfriend and annoyed with the questions you knew the boys were gonna have.

"He's smoking again?"

"I thought he stopped?"

"When did he start on the smokes again, I thought he gave that up?"

"He's been good for months, what happened?"

You wring your hands anxiously as you shrug. "I don't know. He's started doing a lot of things he said he'd quit, lately." You were indirectly referencing how he had started up drinking again, after he had been clean for months. You shake your head sadly, and lick your lips. You believe in your boyfriend and you know you can help him stop, but sometimes Dallas just doesn't want help. He was clean, for almost 7 months, and just randomly last week he had came home stone-cold drunk. He had slept the entire next day.

"Are you gon' talk to him 'bout it," Steve asks. You throw your hands up in the air and shake your head.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. Do you know how hard it was for him to stop the first time? The first time through I threatened to leave him, told him I wouldn't be with no man who smokes and drinks more than he loves his woman. Back then that was enough, but now, it's like he couldn't care less if I packed my shit and left," you rant. You didn't completely mean that. You know Dallas cares about you, but you also know that Dallas is selfish, and at the end of the day, Dallas will do, what Dallas wants to do. But at the end of your day, you'll love Dallas, but not a drunk one.

"If I'm honest, completely honest, and I know how y'all girls love honesty for some reason," Two-Bit jokes. You crack a smile. "I thought that you'd end up with a fella like Darry."

A couple of the boys hummed their agreements as your eyes widen and you let a small laugh escape your mouth. Two used to joke about that before you and Dallas had gotten together, but never has he ever, said it in front of Darry or when your boyfriend was less that 20 feet away. You look up to see Darry's usually composed face, engulfed in a very crimson blush. You look away before meeting his eyes and quickly try to extinguish that statement. It wasn't that you didn't like Darry, he was quite handsome, and once upon a time you did have a crush on him, but that was in the past and you were very happy with Dallas even if you did have your problems.

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