Being Johnny's Little Sister Headcanons

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(A/N) —so sorry for the hiatus, the trimester's coming to an end at school.  Also, sorry for the dots, but it's just not working out and I really don't know😂)

Him being super overprotective of you

Staying at the lot with him

He wont leave you home alone

him trying to defend you from your dad

aka him getting the beaten instead of you

He 100% will not let you fight in rumbles

you 2 always being there to vent to one another

You developing a crush on Dally

Johnny reading your diary and finding out

he avoids Dally so much when youre together

he just doesnt want you to get hurt by him.

You finding out he read your diary & not talking to him for days

He felt so bad and tried everything to get you to talk to him

Johnny being overprotective with any guy youre interested in

Him spoiling you all the time tbh

Putting you first before anything else

You guys are ultimately each others best friend

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