Having an Insecurity

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Sodapop: Not Good Enough

"Hey, I finally was able to fix that car!" Soda said enthusiastically as he opened the door of my room and plopped down on my desk chair.

I sighed dramatically and rolled my eyes, tapping my pencil on my essay.
"I'm proud of you, Soda."

He made a face and leaned forward on his elbows.

"Don't get too excited."

"Whatever, Soda."

"What's up with you, Y/N?"

I slammed my pencil down on my rough draft and looked at him.

He was smiling.

His eyes were crinkled and his teeth were sparkling.

I looked back down at my paper and closed my eyes. Deep breaths could help stop the tears.

Soda got up and slowly walked over to the bed where I was working.


"Soda, how do you love me?" I blurted out.


"How do you love me. I don't get it. I'm mean and always stressed and a horrible person and I deserve nothing- especially you!"

"Y/N, how could you say that?" he said, rubbing my shoulder soothingly.

"Because it's true! Wouldn't you rather be with someone who's always happy and doesn't yell at you when you do nothing?"

"Why would I want any of that stuff?" he scoffed. "All I want is you, Y/N, you need to understand that I think you're perfect," his voice became soft and calming.

I laughed shakily. "I guess we balance each other out, huh?"

He wrapped his arms around me and leaned in to kiss me, pausing to whisper...
"We definitely do. I love you."

Dally: Ugly

A half hour ago, Dally opened the door to our room and told me to get ready 'cause we were going to go to the Dingo with the gang and their girls.

I got up after he had closed the door again and scanned my closet for possible options.
Evie was beautiful and Kathy was blonde so I had to compete with their looks.

I was currently standing in front of the full length mirror looking at myself in a cute red dress that would make Dally's eyes pop out of their sockets...or at least they would if I looked like Evie or Kathy.

I had been standing there for a good fifteen minutes, twisting and looking for somewhere on the dress that actually looked good.

I heard annoyed footsteps coming down the hallway and soon Dally had the door open and was giving me a look that told me he had been waiting.

"Dal, go without me. I don't think I can go today...I'll hit the gym every morning starting tomorrow and I should be ready to go in a few weeks."

He looked surprised for a second and then, just as quickly, his face turned annoyed.

"Y/N, stop being ridiculous. You're beautiful now so we're going now." The door was almost closed before he quickly opened it again.

Winking, he added,
"Oh, and wear that dress."

Steve: Too Conservative

I sat on my bed with my toes playing with the carpet and my fingers twisting themselves.

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