The Gang Finds Out Your Abused

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"I'm sorry-I-I didn't mean it," you cried as your drunken father advanced on you, "PLEASE!" you shouted as his hand connected with your cheek.

There was a deafening crack and you were on the ground. You were being constantly thwacked in the side, coughing up blood and rolling on the gravel.

"Please..." you whimpered as he delivered his final blow to your head.


When you came to there were several concerned faces hovering over your body.

"She's waking up!" shouted Sodapop over his shoulder.

"Oh thank god," Darry cried, wrapping his arm around your torso, and squeezing you gently.

"Wha-what happened?" your voice cracked as you attempted to sit up.

You immediately collapsed back into the couch, regretting having done that. Your head was throbbing.

"When we found you..." Pony began, "we thought we were too late."

Seeing your confused gaze, Dally elaborated.

"You were unconscious and bloodied when we got to ya' princess," Dally explained, "first we thought it was the Soc's, but then your old man drove by chucking beer bottles out of his truck window, and well, we put two and two together." he finished dryly, as usual, showing no emotion. But you knew better than to egg him on, his eyes were blazing like a wildfire. "I'll kill him." he exclaimed, pouncing out of his crouch on the ground next to you.

"NO!" you cried, using the last ounce of energy you had to firmly grip his wrist.

"Why not?!" he shouted back at you, turning around to look at you. "Do you have any idea what he did? He could've killed you y/n!"

"He's got a loaded heater Dally, and he's twice your size," you whispered, tears welling in your eyes, "he'll kill you, and I can't let that happen..." you started to bawl.

"Jesus, y/n," he mumbled, throwing his face into his hands, "fine I'll stay, but you ain't going nowhere, ya hear me?" He asked, firmly grabbing your wrists.

"You can stay with us!" Ponyboy chimed. "It'll be fun! It's alright, right Darry?"

Darry didn't hesitate.

"Absolutely," he said, coming over to you with an ice pack. "But we should definitely take you to the hospital." he finished with great dismay.

"Oh, I'm fine." your voice was barely above a whisper, but you smiled through your constant flow of tears.

"Nah, y/n," said Two-Bit in his usual joking manner "You look nearly as bad as Johnnycake did when he took that beating from ol' Bob."

"Speaking of which..." your voice trailed off a bit, still sounding a bit shaky, "where is Johnny."

"He couldn't stand seeing you like this," Steve said calmly, "so he's somewhere."

"Is he okay?" you asked nervously.

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine," Dally smirked, "probably looking for a fight with your old man."

"DALLY!" you cried, this time sitting up, no matter how much it hurt, "You have to stop him, he'll get himself killed!" you screeched, sending tears flying onto your shirt as everyone restrained you back to the couch.

"I was joking, y/n!" Dally said between bellowing laughs, "He's probably in the kitchen or sumthin'."

"You jerk!" you cried, telling Soda to sock him in the arm, which he did proudly.

"What's all this fuss about?" you heard a familiar voice call from the other room, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah Johnnycake," you called back in your strained, raspy voice, "doin' just fine."

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