Inner-Strength (Reader X Johnny)

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~something small for @trashytights 

"James Dean is such a doll..."

The three boys groaned loudly, ever since all of you began your walk home from the movie house all you could talk about was the handsome star of the movie.

"Shut it will ya?" Dal grumbled.

"Well I'm sorry I can't help it, what a hunk!" You exclaimed.

Both Pony and Dallas sighed deeply, a quiet snicker could be heard from Johnny. You turned your head and noticed he was lagging behind a bit, a cigarette dangling from his lips as he kept his gaze on the ground. You slowed your pace so you could join him.

"You alright, baby?" You asked him.

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?"

You simply shrugged, "Just seem a bit more quiet than usual, that's all."

"Are you upset because I keep ramblin' about James Dean?" You joked.

He chuckled, "No, doll. Just been thinkin' is all."

You laced your fingers with his, sending him a warm smile. "What about?"


"Is that so?" You teasingly bumped your hip with his own, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Yes ma'am."

"Mind tellin' me more?"

"Well... it's just tha–"


All four of your heads snapped towards the shouting, a dark colored Sting Ray was slowly cruising in the street on the side of your group. Three Socs sent the group stoic glares from inside, Dallas sent them a cool stare while you, Pony, and Johnny tried your best to keep moving and ignore them.

"The hell are you greasy bastards doin' on our side of town?" The one in the passengers seat spat.

"None of your business, buddy." Dallas replied nonchalantly.

"Oh you best believe it is my business! We don't need trash like you roamin' our streets." The same Soc said venomously.

"What makes you think you can tell other people where they can and can't go?" You spoke sassily.

Dally chuckled darkly at your response, while Ponyboy and Johnny both sent you a warning look.

"Stop. We're walkin' on thin ice and I don't want you gettin' hurt." Johnny whispered to you.

All you did was scoff before returning to eyeball the Socs bravely, by now the four of you had stopped on the sidewalk to stare them down. The driver pulled the car over to the curb and put it in park.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" The Soc in the driver's seat spoke up. There was a hint of taunting in his tone which only made your blood boil.

"I said–" You began to speak but got cut off by Ponyboy.

"Look why don't y'all just lay off? We ain't botherin' no one, we're just tryin' to get home."

"Ain't botherin' no one?" The one in the back mimicked, "Y'all don't belong here! When will you greasers learn and get it through your thick, dumb skulls that you shouldn't be on our turf!"

"Why don't ya come over here and try to make us. Y'all are some tuff guys right?" Dallas barked.

The engine of the car shut off, and all three of them quickly got out of the car. They made their way towards the four of you, the driver sizing up Dallas as the other two snickered while sauntering over to you, Pony, and Johnny.

"Care to repeat yourself, lil lady?" One of them bent down so his eyes were level with your own.

"Watch it." Johnny spoke through gritted teeth.

He had grabbed your arm and pulled you behind him protectively, the Socs laughed at this.

"Lookie here! Grease is tryin' to play hero!" The Soc snickered, "I thought your girl could do her own fightin'."

"I can."

You moved your boyfriend out of the way and within seconds you had punched the Soc in the eye. His head cocked back as he cried out in pain, you hissed as you felt a sharp pain in your wrist. You had hit the boy so hard that you either broke or sprained your own wrist. After watching the scene unfold Dallas was quick to knock the driver out whilst Ponyboy and Johnny began to take care of the other one.

The Soc recovered, his hand removed from his eye revealing the already bruising and swelling skin. His face was beat red, he huffed and puffed heavily with fists by his sides as he sent you the most deadliest look you had ever seen.

"Alrighty then, girly. Let's dance." He growled.

He charged at you, fist in the air ready to strike. In one swift movement you ducked to the right and kicked the back of his leg making him fall to the pavement. Before he could even try to get back up you booted him in the face repeatedly, Johnny having the pull you off the kid.

All of you were breathing heavily, looking at each other to the sleeping Socs on the ground. The boys stared at you in pure shock, none of them believing you had actually knocked someone out. And not just anyone but a Soc, a boy was bigger and stronger than you.

"Have to say, kid... I'm impressed." Dallas told you.

"T-Thanks." You breathed.

"Didn't know you had it in ya." Pony added.

"Yeah... me either..." You trailed off looking at the bloodied kid at your feet.

Johnny approached you and began to silently check you over, looking for any injuries. 

"You scared the shit outta me." Dally added, noting the scratches and brush burns that decorated your arms.

"Well I'm fine. And you guys don't look too rough 'round the edges either." You said.

"Wow, [Y/N], I didn't know—" Johnny started.

"Didn't know what?" You said with a smirk.

"You were great out there."

"Anything for my Johnnycake," you said, wrapping your arms around him.

He smiled, giving you his infamous warm brown chocolatey gaze that melted your heart everytime they glanced innocently in your direction. 

The both of you pulled away from the hug and your group resumed the walk back to the Curtis house. The thought in everyones mind was how cool it was going to be telling the rest of the gang about the fight. Specifically how you kicked some ass. 

Johnny walked by your side, holding your hand like you were royalty. It didn't mater that you had nothing, because with him you had everything. He was the king to your queen, the gold to your silver, and the light to your darkness. 

"Thanks for being their for us today, [Y/N], you really are a true hero."

You buried your head in his neck, chalking it up to the bright sun that set in the horizon, casting a warm bright glow on everything in it's path. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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