Camping Trip

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Dally: You were the one to drag him along, with the promise of beer and a few packs of smokes- and some other things. At the last but you finally got him up, packing his and your stuff just in time as the weekend rolled by, driving up to the lake house a fair ride away from Tulsa. As soon as he stepped out of the car, the spring heat radiating off of your backs, he opened the car door, hopping back in once he got a glimpse of the rickety cabin you'd be staying in. "Nup. You could never bribe me enough to sleep in that." You snorted and shook your head- he really was a city boy.

Sodapop: In the camp, they had a ranch, and in the long car ride you had made the mistake of bringing it up. Knowing Soda's love for puppies, you predicted he'd be bouncing off the walls of your rental, which he was. As soon as your cut the engine he pushed the door open and ran straight for the stables, nearly breaking the door off of the hinges and bringing it with him. It was a lonely Friday night without Soda, as you let him have his time with the horses, you just sitting around reading a book and enjoying the nature. He trudged off to bed after a good shower, laying next to you in your shared cabin, kissing your cheek before whispering something about a 'Soda and (Y/N) Day' tomorrow, and then drifting off into a deep, well needed sleep.

Two-Bit: He came along happily, though he didn't do much. He sat back on a bench, watching as you had the time of your life, goofing around in the lake or riding horseback or just running around on the cool, freshly-cut grass with a beer in his hand. You sometimes looked over at him, worrying that you were boring or annoying him, though he'd chuckle and waving you off, as he says watching you enjoy yourself makes him happy.

Steve: After another fight with his dad, he walked into your apartment, fuming and cussing at his old man. You thought it would be best to get him out of the house and away from his father, as their fights could be over little things, but soon get bigger and bigger and explode, sometimes even ending physically. He came with you to the lake, still half-mad over his fight with his dad, but soon all of the tension and anger in his body melted away when you pulled him over in the lake, wearing your two-piece and giggling. He grabbed you by the waist and chucked you in the water, and by Sunday didn't want to leave.

Darry: You knew he wouldn't go without his brothers, so they came along as well, which soon turned into a trip for the whole gang. You were a bit ticked, though you knew it was out of yours and his hands, as them and the gang were inseparable. You loved the gang, though sometimes they didn't get that you were a girl and you weren't meant to be played rough with. Two- Bit picked you up and threw you into the lake, and you got out, soaked and a little annoyed, as you started to walk towards one of the cabins you rented, Darry scolding him. Soon, Pony, Steve and Soda threw you in again Johnny standing helpless next to Dally, and you emerged, coughing and hacking as you glared at them with tears in your eyes, anger boiling over as you ran to the cabin. You had never heard Darry yell that loud until that very day.

Johnny: When you had finally convinced him to leave the house for the weekend, him still jumpy and apprehensive, he still went. You went and started to head for the lake, when you saw Johnny standing there, looking bored and lost and alone, so you walked over to him, sat and patted at the ground. "I'm real sorry I seem so sad-" "No worries." You smiled as he sat next to you, and watched as the kids with their parents ran around, screaming and playing as the water pooled around their feet. "Well ya don't have to sit and be miserable with me, (Y/N). Go on, enjoy yourself." You shook your head, resting your head on his shoulder. "I don't mind. Sitting with you makes me happier than ever. Besides, people watching is just as fun." You two ended up sitting there for the whole night.

Ponyboy: He, his brothers and the gang came along, which you didn't mind one bit. You grew up around them as well, and they were all like older brothers to you, even Dally. You didn't mind that they were a bit rough, or sometimes a bit too raunchy, you just laughed it off. He soon apologized for having to bring them along, and you just said simply 'no worries.' After all, they were your friends too. You two sat on the grass that evening, your head resting on his shoulder as the sun was about to set. "The view is beautiful from up here." He whispered in awe as the array of colors overhead mixed and collided, soon fading into darkness. You and him went back there, mostly with the gang, for that beautiful moment and beautiful view that you shared together.

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