Ponyboy Prompt

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Prompt: "I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking"

Ponyboy was all that has been on your mind lately. He was one of your closest friends, along with Johnny, and he was also your crush. You've been head over heels for him as long as you could remember, and what makes it all worse is that the whole gang knows about your secret love. They have been on you lately about just telling Pony about your feelings. Especially Soda, he wants you two to be together like no one can believe.

One Saturday afternoon you were at the lot with Johnny, just hanging out and talking. " You should just suck it up and tell Pony." Johnny said to you, and after a while of previously thinking of it you decided that everyone was right. Even though you were afraid of ruining your friendship, Johnny always assured you that he would be your friend no matter what.

That night, you went to the Curtis' house and found Pony doing his homework in his room. Thats when you decided to just do it. Just tell him about how you feel. 

"Hey Pony, sorry to bother you, can we talk?" you asked as you sat on the edge of the bed.

 " Sure, whats going on?" he asked as he put away is work. 

" uhh.. well there's something I've been meaning to tell you..." you took a long pause, your [Y/E/C] eyes averted around the room shyly. Your heart pounded in your chest and echoed through your ears as your fists clenched nervously. 

"Well ... I .. I really like you Pony. Like way more than just friends." you said and immediately regretted it. You felt your knot of a stomach tie even tighter. 

"I know." he said and you looked up, confused and mortified. " I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking." your whole face burned bright red with embarrassment. 

"It's okay, [Y/N], I like you too," he said, pulling you into a hug. You wished you could lay in his embrace forever, the embarrassment from before fading away into nothingness. 

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