You Go To A Rumble With Him

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Ponyboy: He continuously begged for you not to come but no matter what he said, you would be going. In the end you ended up beating more Socs than he did! You said it wasn't a competition, but deep down you were proud.

Sodapop: He really didn't want you to come but he let you anyway. He made you promise to stay out and stay safe. But you could still see his brown chocolate eyes watching you during the rumble.

Darry: He refused to let you go. He claimed it would distract him from beating up the Socs. But after all the protests, you came and stayed within arms reach of your tough guy. You knew you would be safe with Superman on your side.

Johnny: He really didn't want you to go. He was worried that you would get hurt or something. But eventually he gave in. You actually ended up saving him once! Finally, it was your turn to play hero.

Dally: He was excited that you were going to the rumble but promised to keep you within his reach. You knew he would go insane if anyone laid a hand on you. That was just fine by you. 

Steve: He loved to see his girlfriend kick some butt! Especially if you were kicking Soc butts! He was secretly scared that you would get hurt but he knew you could take care of yourself. Besides, he had his beautiful girl to show off.

Two-Bit: He figured if you wanted to come, he should just bring you along. He knew you wouldn't give up protesting. He was so worried about you getting hurt, and made it clear to any Socs that came after you that you were all his. 

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