Dally Imagine: Reader is in the Hospital

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He bursts through the hospital doors, running right up to the check-in counter and screaming in the woman's face about (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Dallas Winston's reputation didn't surpass most of the staff, and she hesitantly gave him your room number.

Dally hated Socs, but the news he received today was the one thing that made him regret his actions for the first time.

Just a few days ago, Dally was hanging out with Tim Shepard and his outfit down at the lot. It must've got boring or something because Dally was the one that suggested they take a trip to the south side of town and show the Socs what they're made of.

When they showed up, it was fairly dark, around the evening time, and not a lot of them were out- probably down at the local pub drinking themselves off their rockers, they presumed.

They spotted a boy, who couldn't be more than Ponyboy's age with a scrawny build and his books held tightly against his chest. Dally was the first one to walk up to him, his height and build quickly intimidating the small boy. He backed him into the corner of the shop. Just as Dally turned his head, the boy tried to run, but came face to face with Curly Shepard, Tim just behind his younger brother. The boy panicked, and it showed, mostly because his lips started to quiver and he kept sputtering.

"I-I I have money. Y-you c-can have it, just p-please let me go..." He said, Dally shaking his head and Tim and his outfit cracking up at the kid. He probably wasn't the toughest of the bunch but he has money, so what does it matter?

"We don't want your money, kid." Tim Shepard said as the rest of his gang starting walking towards the kid.

"T-then what do you want?" Nobody had time to answer, nor did they want to because Dally immediately went for is nose, hearing the satisfying crunch when his fist finally connected to it.

It was his older brother, a football player about Darry's size that found him there, beaten badly. To say he was furious was an understatement. He picked up his brother and guided him gently into the passenger side of his car, and speeded (it's not like he'd get stopped for it, anyhow) and got him cleaned up, laying him in his bed. That was the night that he promised his brother he'd find out who did it and made him pay.


It was that same football player that was at the DX, getting a few things done on his car. It wasn't usual that he'd cross onto the greaser side of town, but as much as he hated to admit it, his gas station was nothing compared to what Steve Randle could do to his car- he was quite the mechanic.

He went inside to pay, and just as he walked back out into the garage he saw none other than Dallas Winston and Tim Shepard making conversation with Steve, telling him all about the boy they jumped a few days ago on the Socs side of town. Steve wasn't very happy with the thought of so many of them against one little boy, his face said he all, but he didn't dare say anything about it. It was quite clear to him then, that his brother was the one that they jumped. He got into his car and slammed the door angrily, adjusting his mirror to get a good look at the two hoods' faces, before driving off in the direction of his house- he had to make a few calls to his buddies. He promise his brother he will make him pay, and that's a promise he will keep.


Dallas Winston was quite infamous on the south side of town, more known for his police record and what he does on the streets than anything else. He was quite dangerous, and he did occasionally jump little kids, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he singled the football player's brother out. Though, that didn't mean it didn't make him angry. So, he thought about taking Dallas on himself- but what good would that be? He'd probably be able to take him, anyhow. It wouldn't be teaching him a lesson in any way, really. He had to go for someone defenseless, someone close to Dally that he couldn't bear seeing hurt.

At first, the plan was to go for those kids he was always walking around with- Ponyboy and that Cade kid. But then, he spotted Dally with you, how gentle and caring he was towards you. He got a good look at you and snorted. You were pretty, but quite small compared to Dally. The football player had a good four inches on him- it was doubtful that you could take even him alone, even with a switchblade. Now, add in his buddy Bob Sheldon and about as many Socs as there were Tim's outfit, you probably wouldn't have been able to get out alive.

And, that was the plan.

Fast forward to tonight. It was six, you were walking home from your shift at the Dingo. It was cold, and your work clothes didn't help much. You had your arms crossed over your chest in an attempt to keep warmth, though that didn't help much either with the raging winds. It was tense, and scary waking home on the greaser side of town, which you had to walk through to get to your side, the middle class side. You were brave, you had no choice but to be brave. You needed the money and the job because you felt you couldn't keep relying on your parents for anything.

You didn't notice the red mustang tailing you until it let out a loud honk, making you yelp and turn around. You cursed and started walking a little faster, the mustang still hot on your tail. It came to a full stop behind you and you walked faster to at least make it a safe distance away from the car as the passengers stepped out. Another one stopped directly in front of you, cutting you off. The bumper of the car collided with someone's run-down gate, denting it as the windows of the vehicle rolled down to reveal numerous Socs. Someone gripped your shoulders from behind- it was easy to tell that you weren't going to get out of this in any way.


"Tell me who did it, (Y/N). Who did this to you?" Dally said in the morning when you woke, pressing and demanding answers to the questions that he threw in your face. The gang is visiting later, seeing as life goes on no matter who's hurt, seeing as it was a regular week day. Dally stayed by your side all night, thinking of who could have possibly done this- a Soc, of course, judging by the car you were pushed out of into the hospital parking lot, but who?

It then clicked to Dally who it was.

"Remember that kid we jumped a few days ago?" Tim said as he sat in the lot with Dally, both of them lighting up a cigarette. "What about the kid?"

"He's got a big brother. Word on the street was, he's looking for who did it. Word on the street is, he found out who did it. You, Dal. And he's lookin' for revenge." Dally just snorted and rolled his eyes, taking another long drag of his cigarette. "Yeah, okay pal. I'm ready for whatever he's got, so."

He definitely wasn't prepared for this.

"Was it that ol' football player, what was his name...? Holden?"

"Dally, I'm not tellin' ya. Violence solves nothin' alright."

"It solves him and his buddies putting their filthy fuckin' hands on ya, don't it?"

"No, it don't. If anythin' it'll just make them angrier. They'll probably come after me again, alright?"

"No, not alright." He said, getting up and shrugging on his leather jacket.

"Dal, where are ya goin'?"

"Don't worry about it." He replied bluntly as he walked out the door.

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