Pony X Reader

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You just walked out of class when two boys come running down the hall. One of them runs into your shoulder, knocking your books and backpack to the ground. You realize the one that bumped into you is Ponyboy Curtis. He is in your English class and you have a major crush on him. His friend Two-Bit runs up and grabs him, ruffling his hair. "Hey man, watch the hair!" Pony pushes Two-Bit away. Two-Bit raises his hands in surrender and backs off. You bend down to pick up your books off the ground and Ponyboy turns to see you. He whispers something to Two-Bit who then leaves with a smirk on his face. "Sorry," Ponyboy gets down on his knees to help and looks at you. "[Y/N] right?" You nod. Pony notices one of the books and says "Hey! Your reading Gond With the Wind. That's my favorite book!" "Mine too!" You smile. You and Pony both reach for the book and accidentally touch hands. You look up and lock eyes. "Wow, and I thought the sunset was beautiful," Pony says, and your cheeks burn so you look down to hide your smile. After picking everything up off the ground Ponyboy helps you up to your feet. "Hey [Y/N], do you mind if I walk you home?" Pony says shyly. "Sure, I'd like that." Pony smiles and takes your hand as you both walk through the school parking lot.

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