When they Used a Pickup Line on You

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Ponyboy: You were walking out of the movie house, on your way to meet a couple of friends at a little store a few blocks away. You simply minded your own business, growing more and more excited to meet your friends. You hadn't had the chance to see them since the last day of freshman year. Summer was finally here, and you had to search and buy some cute clothes. You were set on reaching the store, until your attention shifted to a young boy far ahead of you. He looked around your age. You tried to study his appearance as you got closer to where he sat: he had light-brown, almost red, hair full of gel. You kept walking and paying attention to him, not realizing that you had already past the store. You snapped out of your reverie, finally taking the chance to observe your surroundings. You were lost for sure. Ponyboy after a few moments noticed your approaching figure, turning to look up at you. He tried to get your attention by coughing, and the cough was followed by a deep breath, "Are you lost, ma'am? Because heaven is a long way from here."

Johnny: You were at the drive-in when you met Johnny. You were alone, though; you had originally come with your older sister, but she ditched you to go flirt with some guy. You weren't going to lie: the guy she was flirting with was cute, but not cute enough to momentarily ditch your family for. You were front row, trying to hide your annoyance as you saw your sister speedwalk over to the guy. You sat for minutes, nearly zoning out until you felt a presence behind you. You heard a gruff laugh, and another voice trying to shush the person laughing. You shook it off, thinking the two troublemakers would get their act together, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned only to meet a pair of wide brown eyes staring right back at you. You knew who these eyes belonged to, though: Johnny Cade. You had gone into some internal shock. You loved how his eyes looked at that very moment. Hell, you always did. You looked next to him, only to see Dallas Winston, the great hood, smirking at his friend. "Go on, Johnny. Like we practiced," Dallas whispered, nudging his side. Johnny's eyes went wide, and he gulped. "Well, um, D-Dally thinks you're kinda cute, but I don't... I think you're absolutely gorgeous!" And at that moment, you faced the fact that you were sold.

Sodapop: You got a call from your cousin, Steve. "Hey Steve, how's work?" you asked. "Pretty good, I guess. I just finished up working on a car, so I'm going on a lunch break. Want to meet? I miss my cousin!" You laughed at his statement, "Aw, Steve! You just saw me last weekend! But I'll go. I'll be on my way to the DX to pick you up!" With that, you hopped into your old car and sped off to see Steve. You finally arrived, nearly jumping out of your car to go inside the station. You recognized Steve's figure inside, and you opened the door. "Hey, Steve! You ready to g- oh, sorry," you blushed, realizing you interrupted a conversation he was having with a co-worker. He looked at you, motioning for you to come closer. "Took you long enough! (Y/N), this is Sodapop, my best friend. Soda, this is (Y/N), my cousin. I'll be back out, let me pick up my switch from the back." And so he jogged to the back of the station. You and Sodapop shared your hellos and startede small talk, which led into an interesting conversation full of jokes and laughter. You couldn't help but secretly gawk at his movie-star looks. Bright brown eyes, dark gold hair, and a killer smile paired with an extremely defined jaw line. After what seemed like forever, Steve finally found his blade. "Looks like Steve here's going to kill our fun," you joked. Sodapop only laughed more, bringing his eyes to meet yours before smiling again. "You're real funny, y'know?" You only blushed, and he chuckled. "Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart: if delivering smiles was a profession, you'd be perfect for the job."

Steve: Your mother was currently putting gas in the car, while you were walking up to the doors of the DX. The line was nearly out of the door, and you groaned inwardly. Your mother was definitely not a patient person! You didn't need to have her yapping in your ear out of petty annoyance. After an infinity, it was finally your turn. The guy you recognized as Sodapop ran towards the back of the station. He called out the back door, "Steve, get your sorry butt out here! I need to restock the shelves, and we can't keep customers waiting!" "Calm down, Soda! I'll be right out!" You heard in response. Minutes were passing, and you started tapping your foot out of impatience. You heard footsteps and looked up in eagerness, only to met by a cute boy and his toothy smile. His smile only got wider, "Wow. Sorry, don't think we've met. I wouldn't forget a pretty face like yours."

Dallas: To say that your friend's birthday party was "wild" was a complete understatement. If anything, you didn't even know where she was! So here you were, with your boyfriend of five months, trying to find out if any of your other friends from school were there. "Babe, she was saved enough to rent Jay's out for her birthday?!" your boyfriend asked, wide-eyed. You could only nod your head before you spoke, "Yeah, she did. I just didn't think she'd have the whole she-bang." There was alcohol, a live band, and enough food to feed a small army. You and your boyfriend looked around even further for familiar faces and your boyfriend had a big smile on his face, "(Y/N), I found my friends, I'll catch up with you in just a bit. Hang tight!" With that, he was gone in the crowd. You huffed, looking around in a desperate manner, trying to find somebody you knew. Your search continued for a few minutes until you felt a hand wrap around your waist. A gruff, yet smooth, voice met your ears, "'Scuse me, miss, you taken?" You stiffened, moving his hand from your body. "Yes," you grimaced, "I am." You turned to the man after you said that, and froze at the sight of him. It was Dallas Winston. You had only seen him before from a distance but you didn't think he was that handsome. Ok, so maybe he was good looking....His arm returned to it's previous place on your waist, and he guided you to the dance floor. You froze once again, you weren't going to let him act this way with you! "What do you think you're doing?! I'm taken!" He only shrugged, his grin only getting bigger, "Doll, I didn't hear you say 'happily'."

Two-Bit: You were at The Dingo with your best friend sharing a basket of fries. It would have been some nice bonding time if it hadn't been for the rambunctious group of boys across the restaurant. You groaned, "Lord, they're annoying." Your friend giggled, "But they are kind of cute." You shook your head, "I'm not going to bother looking. Their annoying ways are already getting to me - their looks won't redeem themselves." Your friend only shook her head at you, "You're missing out on quite a view, I must say." You sat in silence but couldn't help asking the golden question, "Greasers or Socs?" "Look for yourself." You sighed and looked, and your sight was instantly captivated by one guy with greased hair, a Mickey shirt, and pretty intense sideburns. But at that same moment, he looked your way... and it seemed that he was doing that a lot, unknown to you. You broke eye contact, feeling the blush reach your face. Your friend lit up, "I knew it." You glanced discreetly at him and saw him say something to his friends, getting up from his seat. "Oh my, he's coming this way. What do I do?" "Can't help you there, sugar. Sorry." your friend responded. And then you heard an unfamiliar voice: "Sorry, but you owe me a drink." You slowly lifted your head up to meet the eyes of the cute boy. You gulped, "Why is that?" He only let out a hearty laugh, "Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine, darling!"

Darry: You felt as though junior year was going to be horrible for you. You just switched schools and you barely knew anybody except for one or two girls who you were close to becoming friends with. Also, It was only a week into the semester and you already had trouble with the material being taught. One of the girls, Mary, came up to your locker one day and asked you something you never thought you'd hear so quick into the year, "Hey (Y/N)! Listen, there's a little party that's going to happen at my house. I'm inviting everybody, especially the cuties from the football team," she winked, "Anyway, I thought you'd want to come too. I wanted to give you a warm welcome to the school and make an effort to reach ou to you. Want to go?" You appreciated the kind gesture and accepted. Two days passed and there you were, standing on her doorstep, too nervous to walk in. You smoothed out your light pink skirt and took a deep breath. You rang the doorbell and some random teen opened it. Mary was nowhere to be found so you just made your way to the snack table and got yourself some punch. You felt eyes on you though, and you looked out the corner of your eye to see one tall boy coming your way, muscles and all. From what you could tell, he was cute. "Hi," you heard, "I'm Darry." You turned around and met a chest. Boy, was he tall. You craned your neck to look up at him, only to see the face of a god staring you down right back. He opened his mouth to speak again, "May I just say, you must be one hell of a thief, because you stole my heart from across the room."

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