Bleachers (Ponyboy X Reader)

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"Why haven't you done it, Pony?" Sodapop asks, shutting the car door beside him.

"Done what?"

"You know what I'm talkin' about," Soda winks and smiles mischievously.

"For God's sake Soda!" Pony says with a disgusted expression on his face, "I'm only fourteen ya know?"

"I'm just teasing ya," he chuckles and nudges his brother, "What I mean is why haven't you kissed Y/N?"

Ponyboy chews on his thumb nervously, "I- I don't know- why do you think I haven't kissed her?"

"If you did, you would've come to me to endlessly babble on and on about your first kiss with Y/N," he grins, "So why haven't you done it?"

"What's the big deal?"

Soda turns around and looks Pony dead in the eye, "You gotta kiss her."

"S-stop it!" he pushes Soda out of his face.

He chuckles, "Look, this kinda thing just doesn't happen all the time. You've been going out with Y/N for how long? Christ, I can't even count the months. You know what she is? She's a cheerleader, and a real cute one. Maybe even cuter than that one redhead you were so infatuated with a while back. God knows how you scored THAT-"

Pony interrupts, "And your point is?!" he lifts an eyebrow.

"You need to kiss her. And don't look at me like that, it's what couples do. Actually, NORMAL couples would do other things but I'll talk about that some other time," he winks, "You gotta do it. She's probably been waiting forever for you to just simply kiss her."

And you have. Pony's noticed your desire to kiss him, but he hasn't done anything about it. He's noticed everything from your eyes making their way to his lips to frequent lip biting at the end of every date. Truth is, he's been dying to kiss you but either he's nervous or just doesn't know how.

"I want to," he tells Soda, "And I'm gonna do it. Be prepared for my 'endless blabbering' tomorrow evening after the game."

Tommorow soon becomes present. You went over your usual routine and headed toward to the field. You scan two spirited and separated crowds. The guests who certainly weren't cheering you on, and the crowd Ponyboy was standing in. Wait, Ponyboy? He was at a game? You were surprised to see him standing up there, cheering you and everyone on. Throughout your routine on the field, you were completely oblivious to everyone and everything around you except that fact Ponyboy was there. You were eager for half time, when you can run into his arms and maybe ask him why he's here.

The time you were fervent for eventually came. Out of all the people in the crowd, he spies you. You wait for him as he heads down the bleachers to hold you in his arms.

You run to him, knowing he would catch you before you even had the chance to tackle him to the ground. "Pony!" you leap onto him.

He does as you expect, "Y/N! Hey, you were amazing out there."

"You really think so?" you release him, "I was kind of weak out there... well, only because I spotted you in the crowd! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you tonight. And you were right, I should come to these things more often," he grabbed your hand, "Come with me." Pony took you behind the bleachers.

"Wha- Pony I'm about to go onto the fie-"

Ponyboy interrupts once more by cupping his hands between your face a placing his lips on yours for the very first time. "Go get em," he smiles.

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