If Johnny and Dally Lived Headcanons

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- After the rumble, Dally grabbed Pony and they went to go see Johnny

- Dally used a blade on the doctor, but the doctor merely rolled his eyes

- "He's doing much better, so you can't see him. We don't want to tire him out."

- Dallas Winston, who always fights for and gets what he wants, decided to 

back down this time

- He wouldn't dare compromise Johnny's health

- So, Dally and Ponyboy headed home and told the gang the good news

- A week later, Johnny was released from the hospital

- He would be able to walk again, despite the doctor's original diagnosis

- He would just need a lot of physical therapy

- The gang decided to work together to pay for Johnny's physical therapy because his parents refused to

- When it came time for the trial, Ponyboy and Johnny were both very nervous

- Luckily, they had each other and they comforted each other

- The trial went smoothly 

- After the trial, the whole gang celebrates with cake 

- A year later, Johnny walked for the first time and boy, did the gang celebrate that 

- Dally actually hugs him (sort of) after that

- "I'm real proud of you Johnnycake."

- Life for the greasers actually seemed to get better

- Of course, money and the social classes were still an issue

- However, Darry got promoted

- Two-Bit got a flexible-hours job as a bartender

- Dally and Tim won a ton of fights and became known over time as the toughest greasers in Tulsa

- Steve graduated high school with pretty good grades

- Soda got promoted too!

- Johnny moved out of his parent's house when he turned seventeen and started living with the Curtis' and paying them a small rent from a job he got babysitting Two-Bit's sister

- Curly realized he was half decent at football and started playing with Pony-boy and his brothers on occasion

- Ponyboy finished the school year with all A's and improved in track (he went to state!)

- Life was good and the gang was finally able to relax somewhat

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