They Ask You To Prom

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(A/N~ this is one fic, but you can read it with anybody you want! Trying something different, hope you enjoy!) -Izzy 

You stomped through the hallway, your feet propelling you quickly towards your destination. You clutched your books in one hand, the other clenched at your side. You could hear the clicks of your friends shoes as they hurried after you. Your eyes searched the corridor looking for the culprit of the rumor. Spotting them with their clique, you stormed towards them, slamming their open locker shut.

"What the-," they started disbelief in their eyes, however upon seeing you, they smirked and leaned against the lockers, arms crossed," Well hello."

Seething you placed your hand on your hips and glowered at them.

"Really? That's it! 'Well hello',"you mocked, "Thats all you've got? Prom? You told people you were taking me to prom? You didn't even ask me! Whose date were you trying to get out of," you spat. You felt your heart clench in your chest at that accusation. You had wanted to go with them, but it was clear they saw you as only a friend. You raised your eyebrows expectingly as their expression crumbled.

"I-I didn't realize you'd uh be so disgusted by that," they stuttered attempting to compose themselves. Now it was your turn to be caught off guard.

"I-I didn't, I mean I'm not. It's just I'm tired of being your date excuse," you muttered, "A couple years ago I wouldn't have minded but now.." You trailed off not wanting to have this discussion any longer.

"But now what," they asked. The chatter of their friends had completely died out and the focus was on the two of you. You didn't reply, looking away from their expectant gaze.

"I wasn't trying to get out of anything. In fact, you weren't even supposed to find out that way," they said, their head rolling towards your best friend who squealed and hid behind her boyfriend who, coincidentally was their best best friend.

"Well what way was I supposed to find out? In fact, what was I not supposed to find out," you questioned, crossing your arms as if that would suppress the small but of hope bubbling in the pit of your stomach. They ran their fingers through their hair, their nervousness radiating off of them.

"That..I was thinking abo-...Well going to.. Ask you to prom," they confessed their cheeks turning a light pink. You blinked, your brain unable to produce a reaction. You stared at them mortified.

"That's not funny," you spat, turning on your heels to walk away not in the mood to have your feelings be the punchline it a crappy joke. You were surprised to feel a hand wrap around your waist and pull you back, spinning you around to face them. Huffing you looked towards the lockers behind them, not wanting to look them in the eyes.

"What makes you think I'm joking," they ask earnestly. You roll your eyes but remain silent. "Hey," they say placing their thumb under your chin. You looked them in the eye, sighing as you caved in.

"I don't know, it just seems as though I've been friend zoned with you," you muttered. They smirk and raise an eyebrow.

"For you to be friend zoned that means that you must have liked me," they press. You roll your eyes as a pink tint flushes your face. Your best friend coughs loud and deliberately behind you, trying to indicate that their cockiness was not the time to be making an appearance.

"Right," they corrected themselves,"I've been trying to ask you all week to be my prom date but things just got in the way."

"You mean other people got in the way," you asked.

"You have no idea," they breathe out exasperated. You smile at them, thinking of all the trouble they went through to ensure that you two could go to prom together. They take your hand in theirs, lacing your fingers together.

"I know this wasn't ideal, but would you please be my date to prom," they say their left eyebrow twitching slightly in nervousness. You smiled and nodded, watching relief wash over their face. You chuckle as you wrap your arms around their neck and they pull you into a long kiss, your friends whooping and cheering.

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