1. Online

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You let out a long sigh as you flop back on your bed, tired from another long day at school. You pull your phone from your pocket and begin looking through your notifications, your eyes lingering on a tweet sent out by your favourite game development company. You lazily press the pop up and groan as your phone loads up the app, taking its sweet time.

Hey everyone! We know this is sudden but we just released a new game called 'Luna fields'. It's an MMO RPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) set in a fantasy world. Even though this was a secret project we hope that you still enjoy it. Thank you all for your support <3

You almost threw your phone across the room as you grabbed your pillow, squealing happily into it. Your bedroom door suddenly swung open revealing a short blonde-haired girl and taller raven-haired girl wearing glasses. "Are you alright, nee-chan?", the smaller girl asks, walking over to you. You look down at the blonde girl, wrapping her in a tight hug. "Ahhh! I'm so happy, Umi!", you giggle. She laughs a little bit and hugs back, letting go once the other girl sat on the bed beside you. "What happened, (Y/n)?", the ravenette asks, adjusting her glasses. "Niko, you won't believe this. Gamedevs just came out with a new game and it's an MMORPG". Her face lights up. "Really?". "Yes, really!". She suddenly jumps up and pulls your desk towards your bed, bringing your computer towards you. "What are you waiting for? You've gotta play it now!".

"So what's the game called?", Niko asks, peering at the screen from over your shoulder. You open up your browser and type in the words 'Luna fields'. "It's called Luna fields". She tilts her head to the side in confusion. "Luna fields? Why is that?". You pull up the game's description and quickly skim read it. "It says that when you reach level 500 you travel to a place called Luna fields where you get heaps of cool items and become immortal which is awesome because when you die you lose all your stuff and have to start from the beginning". Niko raises an eyebrow. "That's a bit harsh, don't you think?". You shake your head. "That'll just weed out all the noobs and leave everything to the skilled and dedicated players. You don't believe how glad I am to hear that it's not a pay to win game". Umi leans over your arm and watches as the screen changes, showing the image the moon with flowers growing out of it, the title overlaying the image.

After a minute or so of loading, you began to set up your account and character. "What kind of name do you want?", Niko asks, glancing at you. You gently bit the skin on your thumb as you thought. "I want something that sounds badass". "Princess Teddy", Umi says, holding up the blue bear she had brought in with her. You giggled and shook your head. "Sorry but no, I need something intimidating. What's something scary? Like a dragon or a demon! Dragonslayer! No... um, Demon murderer! Nope...". Niko laughed quietly. "Why do you need something scary?". You shrug your shoulders. "I need them to fear me and remember my name after I've slain them", you say darkly, a sinister smirk spread across your face. You then sat on your bed, staring at the screen for a few minutes before your face suddenly lit up. "I've got it!".

With Kaidou
The baby blue-haired boy sat at his desk, playing a new game on his laptop. He had seen the tweet that Gamedevs sent out and was quick to react, having already set up an account and started playing. He walked around the main hub which was a neutral town named Elderview, noticing a new player coming online.

_RedRumReaper_ is now online

"Wow...", he trailed off. He walked his cloaked character into the town market, noticing the new player walking around, taking quests from all of the NPC's. His eyes lingered on their character as they began leaving the safe zone, having only bought basic armour and weapons with their starter money. He chuckled smugly. "What an idiot, do they even know how to play properly?", he chuckles. He lets out a sigh and heads over to a few stalls, buying new equipment. This was now his 6th time playing, he'd died so many times already that it wasn't even funny.

Back to you
"I can't believe you chose that one", Niko huffed. You rolled your eyes and ran towards a boar, easily killing it with your sword. "I like this one better, I'd much rather be a warrior than a mage". "What about the fairy one with the bow and arrow?", Umi asks, pulling at your sleeve. You let out a sigh as you looked a couple of chests you had found hidden in the forest. "You know I'm not into all that kinda stuff, just let me play my game". They both nod and sit beside you as you grow higher and higher in levels.


It had been a few hours and you had already reached level 26, the raven and blonde-haired girls had accompanied you for the entire period. A sudden knock from the door alerted the three of you, making you all look. It opened and a middle-aged brunette opened the door, smiling sweetly at us. "It's time for dinner, come done stairs and join the other's at the table". You all nodded your heads, getting ready to get off the game. "We'll be down in a second, Haruka-san", you assure. She gives a wide smile and nods her head. "Of course, don't be too long". You then returned to the main hub and logged out.

_RedRumReaper_ is now offline

I love this idea soooo much! Also if you're wondering why you're name is RedRumReaper, why the hell not?! I was watching a lot of Shane Dawson today, including their visit to the Stanley hotel. That's where I got the name from since the hotel is what Steven King based his book The shinning on. Sorry, it's a few days late but he's the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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