24. Discovery

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Several days had passed since you went to Kaidou's school for their cultural festival. Even though there had been a few problems, you let him know that you had a lot of fun. After spending time at the school the two of you went out and watched a movie together, which awkwardly felt like a date.

Pushing those thoughts aside, you focused on spending more time with him. He was your only friend, but now you had confirmed that you felt much more for him. Thinking about this made you extremely embarrassed, so it became obvious to others in the orphanage that you had developed a crush on someone.

Since Kaidou had never been to the orphanage or met any of the others, besides Tsume once, no one knew him. You didn't want him too anyway. It worried you that when he found out about you being an orphan, that he would push you away just like everyone else. It was hard to trust people, there was an instance at school where someone had hung out with you because they wanted to make you think you were friends. It was really upsetting but it wasn't the worst you had been through so you weren't as bothered.

You were currently sitting on the roof, it was lunch time and you would rather be up here than sitting alone in the cafeteria. You didn't mind being alone but seeing everyone else smiling and laughing with their friends was something that reminded how lonely you were. Eating from your packed lunch, you pulled out your phone. There was a message from Nitori displayed on screen. Your phone was on silent while you were in class so you hadn't known about it.

'I have some free time this afternoon if you wanted to hang out, I can pick you up from school once you're finished if you're keen'

You smiled at the message, happy that he wanted to be in your company. Unlocking your phone, you typed you reply.

'Yes please, just wait outside and I'll come out like last time'

He responded saying that was fine and that he'd buy you something to eat after. Knowing that you were going to be busy after school, unable to play lunar field until later, you decided to text Kaidou.

'Hey Shun, I'm gonna be home a little later today so I won't be able to play Lunar fields and until later on'

He responded within seconds, probably because it was lunch time for him too.

'That's okay, I have cram school anyway. I'll talk to you tonight'

You smiled down at the message, your head perking up when the bell rang for the end of lunch. You huffed and put your food back into your lunchbox, annoyed that you were unable to finish it. Packing everything back into your bag, you stood and hurried back to class. The quicker the day went by, the faster you would get to hangout with Nitori after school.


Walking out the school gates, you immediately spotted Nitori's car. Noticing you walking over, he waved. Once again, students from your school saw you get into the car, just as confused as last time.

"Did you have a good day at school?" he asked. You nodded.

"Yeah, it was alright. We're starting projects and there's on odd number of people in our class so I'm doing mine by myself." Nitori sighs, looking at you in the corner of his eyes as he pulls into traffic. He didn't say anything but you knew that he wanted to. Instead, he kept his eyes on the road. The rest of the drive was silent.


20 minutes later, the car stopped, pulling up beside a cafe. You knew the area, this was where your old middle school was. Nitori was the first to get out, walking around the car to help you out. You didn't need it but he did it anyway, taking your hand and pulling you out of the seat, onto the pavement. He closed the car door and locked it before turning to with a soft smile.

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