8. Name exchange

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After getting out of cram school for the afternoon Kaidou collapsed on his bed, exhausted. But he still had a little energy left, just enough to send a text message.


After a minute, he got a reply.

Hi again

Kaidou's face lit up and his face turned red with the thought of having a friend who was happy enough to text him. But even though the two had known each other for just over two weeks they wanted to know more about each other.

Do you mind if I ask you some questions? I mean I'd like to get to know you better


Your face turned red as you reread the text. Just the thought of someone actually wanting to know you better made you feel so happy and excited.

"Is it that guy again?", Tsume asks, not bothering to look up from the manga he was reading. You nod your head, not wasting any energy to face the emotionless boy. You quickly typed your reply and sent it.

Go ahead, I want to get to know you better too

You held your phone in front of you, patiently awaiting an answer.

Well, I was wondering what school you went to, it would be weird if we went to the same school this entire time right :)

I go to KP high school

You crossed your fingers, hoping that he went to a different school. If he went to your school then he'd know of your status as a loser. It wasn't that people didn't like you it was just the way things were. After a certain incident with other students following you home, a lot that no one knew was found out about you, a lot of stuff that was better left unsaid. Even though there was no real problem with it people just needed an outlet for their anger, you became that punching bag. Not voluntarily though, over time you just became a joke to everyone around you. Even those you were close with didn't want to be seen with you out of the house. And from then on you were the loner with no friends or family, no one.

Wow, who would've thought we would live in the same town or even country. I go to PK academy

Your face lit up, it being even brighter than before. Tsume noticed the change in your face and rolled his eyes, flipping to the next page of his manga.

You must have lots of friends there, I hear some amazing things about your school

And that's when your face fell. Tsume peeked over your shoulder and sighed as he examined both the text and your expression. He placed his hand on top of your head and pet it lightly, gaining your attention. You met his gaze, even though he showed no emotion you could feel the sympathy of his gesture. You smiled sadly before returning your eyes to the screen of your phone. Tsume reached over your shoulder and snatched it out of your hands. You gasped before reaching for it.

"Hey, give that back!", you whine, reaching for the phone. Tsume gave a rare smirk as he leaned back, using his legs to hold you at a distance while he typed into the phone. Eventually, you got tired of trying to get the phone back so you gave up and sat on the edge of the bed with your back to him. A minute later he dropped the phone on the bed and got up, picking up his manga from one of your pillows. You watched as he made his way to the door, sending you a small wave before walking out of it. You raised an eyebrow, staring at the door long after he had left. A while later you remembered that he had been doing something on your phone so you picked it up and had a look. You had apparently sent Jet_black_wings a message.


Yeah I do, my closest friends are Tsume, Umi and Niko. I have a bunch more but it would be a bother to write them all

Kaidou's face got even redder.

"Wow, he has friends that are girls, I wonder if he has a girlfriend", he thought aloud. He wanted to ask but felt too shy to do so. Instead, he decided to ask him a question about school.

Cool, are you in any clubs?

He waited for a response, only having to wait a minute.

No, I spend most of my time at home playing Lunar fields and doing homework so I don't have time. How about you?

A smile grew across Kaidou's face since he finally found a place where he could brag about something. Even though it was partially a lie, he couldn't help but want to impress you.

Yeah, I'm the leader of my school's occult club

That's super cool! You must be pretty dark and mysterious then.

Kaidou's face turned red as he read the message over several times. Just the thought of someone thinking he was cool, dark and mysterious sent him into a dream-like state where he stared up at the ceiling with his mouth hanging open like he just had a stroke. A vibration from his phone snapped him out of it, making his wipe the drool from the corner of his lips.

Well, I need to go now so I can have dinner but I'd really like to play later. Are you up for that?

Kaidou couldn't stop his smile from growing wider as he felt genuine happiness from talking with you. He looked over to the item he had bought from a fortune teller last year, having the ability to make him have new friends.  Perhaps it was working, he did have Saiki, Nendou, Hairo and Kuboyasu thanks to it. After no one else came to be his friend he just assumed that it had a limit but here you were. Suddenly a question popped into his mind, something that he thought was more important than anything else at that time.

Of course, I'll be on when you get back and one more thing

What is it?

What's your name?

He waited, staring down at his phone eagerly. He almost got a fright when a new message popped up on screen.

It's (L/n), my last name. What about you, what's your name?

It's Kaidou

Well, I'll see you later Kaidou, don't forget to play soon

I won't, see ya later (L/n)


Love this book so much. Sorry for keeping you waiting, I'm so sad right now! I just watched the last episode of the second season of Saiki no Psi-nan. So mad, I want more! Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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