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I stretch my arms and yawn as I sit on my bed. I look at the window opposite my bed and smile at the sun shining so bright. It's as if the sun is greeting me 'good morning' and telling me that today is going to be a good day.

There is only a week left before the university starts. I will be a freshman of the Faculty of Engineering by the way. Initially, I wanted to enroll in the Faculty of Economics but mae is good in persuading people and she said that it'll be cool to study engineering instead so here I am, a soon-to-be engineering student.

The university is a little far away from home and it's a good thing that they offer dorms close to the university itself. I didn't know that the battle to get one is hard. Lucky for me that there is one that is still available. There is a catch though. I will be sharing it with another student. And oh! I was warned in advance by the owner herself. She said that the student whom I will be sharing the room with is a grumpy and snarky guy. Oh. Guess I'll just have to avoid him a much as I can to avoid a problem.

After I shower, I went down to greet my parents and my two older sisters who by now are already having their breakfast. I kissed my mae who smiled at me and hug my por who hugged me in return before having a seat.

"Are you sure about your decision, son?" mae asked with a solemn expression on her face which made me a little sad.

"Honey, let him be." It is my por this time. "He's already a grown up man. And besides, you're the one who suggested that he enrolls there because you were once a student there." Yes. You read that right. Mae was an engineering student of the same university that I will be attending in a week, reason why she said it's cool for me to enroll there as well with the same faculty as hers.

"I know that I said that. But it didn't occur to me that he has to leave the house and rent a dorm there."

"Mae, it will be hard for him if he will have to go to the uni then go back home here every day," said my older sister of the two.

"I agree! Do you want our baby brother to get tired every day?" It is my other sister now. Ugh! I wish they'll stop calling me baby brother. I'm not a child anymore.

Mae released a deep sigh and stared right in my eyes. "Okay, fine. But you need to call me every day and tell me if you're not feeling well so that I can go there and take care of you. Tell me if you have a problem or if you're hungry and there's nothing to eat there. Or-"

"Yes, mae. I will call you every day. I will tell you if I'm sick or having a problem," I told her with a smile. "You don't have to worry about me, mae. I will take care of myself because I know that if something happens to me, you'll be very sad and I don't want my pretty mae to be sad," I said and stood up to give her a hug which I know she will return very gladly.

"Aaw~ Group hug!" my sisters exclaimed and soon, we are a group of hugging people.

I smiled at my surrounding. There are a lot of kids playing around in the park. I can hear their laughter and I think their happiness rubbed on me that I'm feeling happy myself.

I woke up early and was a little confused when I saw that I am in an unfamiliar place. But then I remember that I already moved to the dorm I rented so, yeah! I decided to go out today and familiarize with the new place since I'll be living here for the time being. Now, I have my camera in my hand and taking pictures after pictures when I saw a little girl crossing the street. Soon there is a loud honk of a truck that is fast speeding followed by screams of people in the surrounding.

My feet moved fast and without thinking, I pushed the little girl on the side. I heard the loud honk again and this time, it's going to hit me. I shut my eyes tight and just when I thought that I'll be dead in the next second, my body was pushed and I felt another body fell on top of mine.

"Just how long are you going to sleep there?" My eyes flew open then I gasp. Is this my savior? Why is he glowing? Why does he feel so warm? Why is he shining?

After a while, my savior stood up and offered me a hand. I take it immediately and he helped me on my feet. Is he really shining or is it just my eyes?

"You don't save someone and got yourself killed in the process. Are you alright?" Did he ask me something? I think I lost my voice. I can't stop staring at him. Wait! Is he glaring at me now?

"What? Did you hit your head? I'm pretty sure I protected it. Don't tell me you still crack your head and turned stupid after that?"

Stupid? Who's stupid? I can see that my savior is still glaring at me. But why is it that the more he glares, the more he shines? I look at my surrounding and saw that most of the people are already back to what they were doing before, save for some that are still looking at us. They don't seem to see what I'm seeing though. Are those rays of sunlight I'm seeing around my savior?

"You know what? I don't care. Go see a doctor or something and have your head checked. Maybe you're already having a problem there that's why you chose to be hit instead of that girl," my savior said and I did nothing but just stare at him. Seriously, what is wrong with me? Why can't I get myself to talk? I should thank him right? He saved me after all.

"Are you okay, Oon?"

Wait. Who is she? She takes my saviors hands and inspects him. My savior looks sheepish but he gave her a smile. Are those dimples? He looks cute when he smiles. Wait. Did I just say he's cute?

"I'm okay, Prae. It's just scratches. Nothing serious."

"Those still need to be treated," she said in worry. "You just suddenly took off and I saw you running towards that truck. That got me scared, Oon. Don't do that again, you hear me?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." My savior rubbed his nape and he's looking sheepish again.

"How about you? Are you okay?" Oh. She's talking to me now and I can see my savior looking at me as well.

"Y-Yeah... I think I'm fine," I managed to reply. I got my voice back, finally.

"He's fine, Prae. Let's go. We still need to do some last shopping, right? And that dinner you're talking about. We need to go now."

Oh. He's leaving already? Why do I feel sad with that thought? My savior looks at me and I think I saw rays of sunlight again. I think that made me smile because my savior raises an eyebrow.

"What are you smiling about? You have anything to say?"

"Oon, stop that. You just save this man's life and you're being mean," she reprimands. As a matter of fact, I'm not affected at all if my savior is being mean to me. So Oon is his name huh?

"Whatever, Prae. Let's just go."

"Wait!" I exclaimed when I saw them walking away. They both look at me and I smiled, staring at my savior straight in his eyes. "Thank you for saving me, Ai'Oon."

My savior's eyes went wide. "What the hell?!" he shouted.

What? Did I do something wrong?

Author's Note:

Nothing much happened in the prologue but I hope you like it. I'm not sure when I'll be posting chapter 1 but I hope it's very soon.

mae - mom

por - dad

Image is not mine.

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