05 - My Friend Arthit

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I stared at my notebook and count the signatures I have already accumulated. P'Tum, the head hazer has given us an absurd task. He wants each of us to gather 1,000 signatures from our seniors within a week. The period given is real tight. How are we supposed to have 1,000 signatures in a just week? Not to mention that some of the seniors are not so cooperative, asking us to do crazy things before they sign our notebooks. I sighed.

Knot pats on my back and offers me a wan smile. Ever since I shared Ai'Oon's punishment, his gang and my friends are always together now. It's not a bad thing since we don't get bullied around like the other first years Some seniors are power-tripping on the first years. And with the intimidating aura of this gang, we were being looked at but none of the seniors have taken any actions so far.

I flipped on the textbook I'm reading inside the library when Bright suddenly dropped his head on the table a little harder I'm sure it hurt him but he doesn't show it.

"Nothing inside this book is entering my brain," he whines. "Where is Ai'Arthit anyway? We're frying our brains here and he's somewhere, maybe hitting on girls. That's so unfair of him!"

Toota smacks his head with a pen. "Arthit isn't like you who only know how to flirt with girls and nothing else."

They bicker some more and I could only shake my head in amusement. These two are always like this. They keep on fighting over anything but still remain close.

Aim taps his pen on my shoulder and when I turned at him, he and Oak are looking at me. "Hey Kong, have you finished our assignment with Prof John?"

At my nod, "Can we copy it? We don't really get it."

"You know you can, Aim. But I'll teach you how to solve it so that you'll know how to the next time, okay?" Both Aim and Oak nod their head enthusiastically that I can only chuckle at their antics.

"Kongpob! You're our friend too now. Let this new friend of yours copy your assignment too."

"Oi, Bright! Have a little shame, why don't you?" Prem smacks his head.

"Stop smacking my head or I'll turn dumb!"

"As if you're not yet." Toota and Prem high-fived while Bright nurse his head with a pout.

"Ai'Arthit isn't here so I couldn't copy his assignment. Kongpob is here so why not copy his? It's just logical guys. What has shame anything to do with that?" His friends heaved a defeated sigh and shook their heads.

I was startled when Toota suddenly placed his hands on top of mine. "You are a really nice guy, Kongpob. Why don't you let these new friends of yours to copy your assignment, hmm? Leave Knot out of this since he's already done with his as always and won't let us copy his."

He leaned towards me a little, his face close to mine and I could only blink my eyes, too dumbstruck so do anything. "So what do you say, cutie? Will you let us— ouch!"

"Stop harassing my roommate. Move."

Toota pouts and rubs on his aching head but moves on the next seat nonetheless. "That hurts, Arthit. That is a thick book. What if I turn stupid?"

"As if you you're not yet." Bright and Prem high-fived this time which earned a glare from Toota. These guys are really funny. I can only smile at their exchanges and rejoice a little. Ai'Oon made Toota move seat while he took the seat next to me.

I have come to realize that yes, I like Ai'Oon and it's not the platonic kind of like. It's the kind of like that makes your heart beat against your ribcage loud whenever he's around. It's the kind that makes you think of him all the time and search for him when he's not around. It's the kind that turns your world upside down with just a simple smile of him and makes you do everything just to make sure he's happy. It's that kind of like only, you can't have it. You can't because he already has someone and that someone is a great person. I can't ruin their long relationship. I don't have the heart to do that and make him sad.

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