04 - Realization

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Authors Note:

First of all, I decided to put my note in the beginning in this chapter.

Second, I'm really sorry for my super late update. This should have been posted last Saturday but it was our Singto's birthday. And surprise surprise- it was also my birthday! Yep, we have the same date of birth. Maybe that's also the reason why both of us have a soft spot for a certain turtle? ☺️ Back to the topic. Its because of that that I've been away and only got the time to really sit down and type away this chapter.

Lastly, because it's our Singto's birthday, though I'm already late and all but yeah, our birthday boy is in for a surprise in this chapter.

Enjoy reading and you can tell me what you think of it through comments. 😘

I groaned before I slowly open my eyes. One look at the clock hanging on the wall and I know I should get up now. It's six in the morning and I want to start my day early although it's a Saturday and we don't have classes.

Looking on my left, I found Ai'Oon sleeping like a baby. His body is facing me and I can clearly see his face. Some of his fringes are covering his eyes and his lips are slightly parted as he breathes in his sleep. It has been in my routine every morning to first stare at him for a minute or two before I start my day.

Creepy if you will ask me but I stopped asking myself of the things that I know I couldn't answer. Maybe Ai'Oon is right when he told me to have my head checked. I think I'm starting to get crazy with the weird thoughts running in my head whenever it includes him.

With the camera on my hands, I look at the picture I just took. It's a mother and a child holding hands as they walk on the park. The mother is looking at her daughter with a fond smile on her face while the little girl is smiling so bright as she also looks at her mother- unadulterated love between a mother and her child. I smile and let out a contented sigh.

My stomach grumbles and I looked at my watch. It's already half past one. No wonder I feel so hungry. I looked ahead and decided to eat inside the mall across the street.

How come all the food chains are filled with so much people? It's almost two and there are still a lot of them eating at this time? I'm really hungry. I want to eat right now. My stomach grumbles again and I feel like crying.


Someone called me and my eyes roamed around until it settled on the two girls seated at one of the tables. I recognized them as my classmates; May and Maprang, the former is waving at me and I saunter towards them.

"Hey Kongpob, what are you doing here?" May asked as she smiles shyly. She has been a shy girl ever since I first met her on our first day of school.

"I came to eat but every table is occupied."

"You can eat with us," she answered right away.

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"May is so sure, Kongpob." Maprang threw May a look that I couldn't quite understand so I just dismissed it.

"Besides, Tew is also eating with us. He couldn't find a table as well so we invited him too. He's just ordering our foods."

And as if on cue, Tew came balancing two trays of foods on his hands. He gave me a smile before placing said trays on the table.

Rain in the SunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz