01 - We Meet Again

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Classes start today and I'm already on my way to the uni. I'm a bit early since I woke up earlier than my alarm clock. Nothing unusual though since I'm a morning person. I started getting ready as soon as I woke up. I'm a little excited since this is the first day of school.

As I was about to enter the gate, I saw someone familiar. He seems to be having second thoughts whether he's going in or not. I approached him and I was right with my hunch.

"Hi Aim!" I greeted enthusiastically. He looked shocked at first but when he finally recognized me, his smile is so big it almost blinded me.

"Kong!" He engulfed me with a hug for a few seconds before he released me and looked at me confusedly. "Wait. Why are you here?"

I couldn't blame him. The last time we talked, I was decided to enter a different faculty in a different university. Aim and I went to the same school before and we're childhood friends. You can call us best friends.

"Well, what can I say? I thought I'll miss you a lot so I decided to follow you here," I joked and earned a playful punch in the arm.

"But your place is pretty far from here, isn't it? Can you manage that?"

"I was lucky enough to snatch a room in a nearby dorm," I answered. "I have a roommate though but I haven't seen him yet. Maybe he's still in his hometown or something."


Aim and I were shocked when someone suddenly shouted at us. We quickly moved aside and looked at the guy who just shouted. He's with other 3 guys and he's glaring at us. He looks scary and it looks like he wants to murder us for simply being in his way. The other guy is huge with all the muscles and all but he looks nice. The other one is a little chubby and is wearing glasses. He's inspecting his nails with a bored expression on his face. The last one is tall and wearing a cheeky grin while he stares at us.

As the strange group passes us, Aim I held our breaths because the guy who shouted is still glaring at us.

"Give them a break, Prem. It's our first day and you're already causing fear to other students," muscled guy told his friend whose name now I know is Prem.

"Knott is right," cheeky guy followed and throws an arm over Prem's shoulder which he quickly removed when Prem glares at him.

I blinked when suddenly, the guy with glasses is standing in front of me. "Oh my! What a striking specimen we have here!"

Specimen? We? Specimen?

"Oi Toota! Don't scare the poor guy. It's our first day and you already want to eat someone! Have pity!"

"Shut up Bright! I'm not eating him. He's not some food to eat unless—" the guy with glasses or Toota stared at me while wiggling his eyebrows and shiver runs down my spine.

"Uh.. I think we have to go now. Bye!" I quickly run leaving a shocked Aim who soon ran after me.

I released a deep sigh as I looked at the group sitting a little farther in front. I think the heavens decided to take my luck today since the strange group we met earlier ended up being our classmates. Aim looked at me and I can tell he's a little scared. He easily gets scared even before.

A guy sits on my left side and smiles at us. He's skinny and is wearing glasses. "Hi guys! I'm Oak," he introduced. "I'm assuming no one is sitting here yet?"

Rain in the Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن