06 - A Friendly Date

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There's a faint sound of birds chirping and my hand immediately reached on the bedside table to grab my phone and turn off the alarm. It's six in the morning. It's time to wake up and what best way is there to start the day?

Slowly as to not wake the person lying next to me, I roll my body to face him. He is sleeping so soundly like a baby. Have I said how innocent he looks like when he's sleeping? He doesn't look like the person who can smack Bright in the head whenever he says something to tease him or that he can stab his food with his fork imagining that it is the person teasing him.

At first, he's a little scary just like Prem. When he's having a foul mood, it's better to give distance or you'll end up eating all his flowery and colorful words. That or you'll earn a gift of violet or green round patches on your skin that differ in sizes. But if you'll put his rough exterior aside, you'll know that he's really soft inside. Like for example, I once saw him climbing the tree at the back of the hall because a baby chick fell from its mother's nest. Or when he purposely didn't eat half of his food because he gave it to the little kitten he found at the alley beside our university.

All of those traits I find very endearing and with each passing day, I also find it more and more difficult not to like him even more. I mean, who won't fall for someone as great as him, right? Even Maprang still cannot get over her crush on him even though she already knows he already has a girlfriend.


That word still pinches my heart.

So as to not drown in misery so early in the morning, I pull myself in a sitting position and shook the sleeping Arthit on his shoulder. Yes. Arthit. I decided to call him just Arthit because he's right. I'm not Prae. I don't have the right to call him another name other than that.

He groaned and mumbled incoherent words on his sleep and swats my hand before he turned around, his back facing me. A smirk crept on my lips. If the first plan fails, there is always plan 2.

My wiggling fingers soon find his side and he shrieked in surprise, jumping off the bed but losing his balance and ended up falling instead.

"What the hell, Kongpob!" he shouted and groaned as he sat up on the floor and nurse his aching back. I laughed and automatically received his infamous glare.

"I'm sorry Arthit but it's amusing how you're always surprised and shocked when this is our everyday routine."

"Try to be at the receiving end for once and see if you won't be as shocked and as surprised as me, you jerk."

"Oi, don't be mad. If anything, you should be thanking me. You no longer come to class late every day since I started waking you up."

"I would have been more appreciative if your tactic of waking me up isn't assaulting my side which always made me fall on the hard floor, you dimwit."

I watch him slowly stand up with a support from the bed. Huffing and puffing, he messed his hair in annoyance and oh boy, he looks so adorable. Then his eyes slowly turned wide. "Wait a minute. It's a Saturday, you jackass!"

I stand by the gate while rubbing the sour spot on my head. Let's just say that I received a present from Arthit. Sighed...

I have a plan to go to the mall today to buy a present for P'Kulap. I asked him if he and Prae are going out today too. It took him a while to answer me and he looked somewhat sad? He said they're not and surprisingly, he asked if he could come with me since he doesn't have anything to do. And so here I am, waiting for him.

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