21 - Before the Sun Sets

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Author's Note:

I have another update~^^

I'm not sure why I'm updating my 2 stories faster than I have ever updated but please don't get used to that kind of schedule. Maybe because of the holidays that I'm not that busy with work that I can find time to write, and not too stressed so the flow of ideas is smooth?

Anyways, the truth of the matter is— I'm kinda nervous of this chapter, ehehe! Read with caution. lol Don't forget to tell me what you think of it afterwards~^^


I can't help but fidget at my seat at the intensity of the stare Ai'Oon is giving me across the table. I look around me and it seems I am the only one that can feel it. Everyone else is eating their lunch like normal people should but me. I can't even swallow the tender meat without coughing. And every time it happened, P'Khao who is beside me is always ready to give me a glass of water and soothe my back. That's when the intense stare grow even more. At the moment, I'm really afraid and I pray I'll still be able to see the sun shining tomorrow.

"Arthit dear, how do you find the food? Is it to your liking?"

Ai'Oon blinked, as if being awakened from his deathly glare before he turns to my mother. "Yes, Mrs. Suthiluck. It's very delicious. Thank you for the food."

"Oh my, such a charming young man," mae laughed softly behind her hand and Ai'Oon blushed at the compliment. "But Arthit dear, I told you to call me mae. And you don't have to be so formal to me. Talk to me like you talk to your own mother," she added with a smile.

I turned to Ai'Oon, expecting him to blush even more but instead, he is looking down on his lap with a somewhat forlorn expression on his face. I wonder what made him sad.

"Are you okay, dear? Is anything wrong?" my mother asked in worry.

Ai'Oon smiles and shook his head. "I'm completely fine, Mrs. Suth— I mean, m-mae," he answered; now blushing a little. I could have smiled with how cute he looks; except, I am sure he's not totally fine. In fact, he's not fine at all.

After the shared meal, I decided to stay inside my room, not forgetting to take Ai'Oon with me. Once we're inside, he let out a sigh which made me chuckle. "Sorry, my family is really like that. They're really vocal and there is not even a dull moment when you're with them."

He looks at me and shook his head. "You don't have to apologize, Kongpob. I like your family. They feel so— warm," he said, voice getting softer at the end. And there goes that expression again; the very same expression he had during lunch.

"By the way, P'Khaofang seems to like you a lot." I gulped as he stares hard at me.

"W-well, there was a time when she confessed how she felt towards me," I answered chuckling nervously. Why am I nervous?

"What?" he asked, eyes wide in shock. "She confessed to you?"

I nodded, having nothing else to answer the question.

"Then, what was your answer to her?" he asked, eyes suddenly looking elsewhere but at me. "Did you date her? Or are you two still dating?" Now he's looking at me with his big round eyes and lips forming an "o". Oh dear, how cute can he get?

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