11 - Boyfriend?

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Author's Note:

Hello my lovelies~

I'm early updating this Saturday since I don't have to go to work today. Are there anyone living in the Philippines here? We are experiencing the wrath of a super typhoon here. Be safe everyone!

And here's chapter 11 for you. As always, comments are appreciated~^^

I didn't realize that I'm just blankly staring on my food if Knot hadn't tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I'm alright. He has a worried face but as a matter of fact, I don't know how to answer him. I really have no idea what's going on in my head since this morning.

I wasn't late on our first period, thanks to the same dude who woke me up. I barely reached on time but still, I'm not late so no one's allowed to judge, 'kay? But I've been absent-minded all throughout the day and I have no valid reason as to why.

"Arthit, you haven't answered my question. Are you alright?" Knot is being a mother hen again but I actually don't mind. He's been a great friend. "You haven't touched your food yet. Even your pink milk is still full. You want me to take you to the clinic?"

"No no, I'm fine Knot. You don't have to do that," I quickly replied before he could drag me to the said place because believe me, he'll really do that.

"Then what's wrong? You've been zoning out the whole day."

I heard someone snicker in the background and when I turn to look at who that is, I find that it's Toota. His spectacles have that usual glint in them when he's thinking of something evil.

Oh oh...

"Say, Arthit~"

And here he comes.

"You've been so out of yourself the whole day. You're just spacing out with a super duper mega sad look on your face that can make even the gladiators cry."

My eyes rolled. He's such a drama queen.

"Are you perhaps," he paused for a dramatic effect. "missing the striking specimen a.k.a your hot roommate Kongpob?"

A bang and then a yelp.

"Ouch! My head! You don't need to be so violent, Arthit!" Toota shrieked whilst holding his head which I hit with a spoon quite hard. Who is he calling a striking specimen? Kongpob isn't some type of animal to be studied or for whatever purposes.

I looked around our table and realize that Kongpob's friends are looking at me. Suddenly, my cheeks feel so warm so I grab my pink milk and sip on it fast to hide my embarrassment but the liquid went through the wrong pipe. I ended up coughing which resulted to more embarrassment and laughter from my so called friends. Traitors!

"But seriously, what's up with you Arthit?" It was Prem this time. They just won't let this go, right?

"Uh..." I rubbed on my neck and think of what to say, "Prae and I have broken up."

There was silence at first, and then a loud simultaneous "What?!!"

I thought that maybe it's in fact the reason why I'm so out of it today but something at the back of my mind tells me it's not just that. That thought really surprises me. I am really affected by our breakup. I love her. I care about her. And I'm dead worried that she'll end up like... Sigh... Now my mood really went down the drain. Just great.

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