25 - Green Monsters

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My eyes squinted under the blazing sun. We are back being hazed after a long while and are now being punished because according to our head hazer, days of not being hazed made us so slow in following his commands. I feel like my legs are going to give up any soon now for squatting for almost ten minutes. And also, why are there black dots everywhere I look?

"Arthit 0206!"

I was startled when P'Tum, our head hazer suddenly called my name. My eyes widened as I turned to him. What did I do this time? Why do I always piss him unintentionally?

"Stand straight and walk towards that shed where your other seniors are waiting. Take a sit there and tell them to give you a bottle of water. Tell them it's my order."

To say that I am surprised is underrated. I didn't expect that P'Tum will give an order for me to actually rest. But why is it just me? What about the others?

"Are you deaf, 0206? Scram!"

That got me running towards the shed and immediately doing what he asked me to do.

Our last class finally ended and I couldn't help but sigh in relief. My two days with my boyfriend; yes, Kongpob is now my boyfriend, mine so suck it up; and his family still feels so— surreal. Maybe that's why my mind couldn't focus on our lessons or anything today. I'm not ready to go back studying yet and I still want to live in that moment. I still can't believe it. Kongpob and I are now dating! This is so... so... I don't know what to say! I'm lost for words!

"Ai'Arthit, why are you blushing? Are you thinking of perverted thoughts right now? Is your innocent mind not so innocent any— ouch! Ai'Knot! Why did you hit my head?!"

Bright should have thanked Knot for hitting him because I was about to murder him just now. Trust Bright to always say stupid things. Remind me to ask his parents why they named him Bright. They should have named him Stupid. Or Idiot! Or Moron! Or Brainless! All those names but not Bright.

"Arthit, how are you feeling?"

Kongpob? Why is he looking at me with worried eyes? And I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that he called me Arthit instead of Ai'Oon. That idiot used to rile me up in calling me my childhood nickname before and now I feel so foolish wanting to hear him call me that always.

"Why are you asking?" I asked, confused at his sudden concern about me.

"You looked like you were about to collapse while we were being hazed this morning. I think P'Tum noticed that too so he asked you to sit in the waiting shed," Knot explained to my utter shock. I wasn't aware of that.

"I was about to ask for a permission to speak and ask if you could rest," Kongpob added and gave me a wan smile. Why does he look sad?

Bright laughed all of a sudden and I looked at him like he had grown a second head. "Blame your skin complexion, Ai' Arthit! You're too white for the sun! It's going to toast you so bad one of these days! Even your brain is no match for the marvelous sun; choosing to shut down and sleep under its mercy!" He continued to laugh and for the second time, he yelped. I hit him in the head with my book— a very thick book.

I found myself standing inside a mall while our friends are choosing what movie to watch. Kongpob and I are a little distance away from them in the back. I bit my lower lip to suppress from smiling like a fool. Kongpob is holding my hand and I feel like blushing like a teenager. What the hell, Arthit? Get a hold of yourself!

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