18 - Nightmare

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No Doze Café

I am currently standing in front of No Doze Café, contemplating whether I should go in and meet Prae or turn around and go home, the latter being the most appealing one but I know I should talk to her. And so after releasing a deep breath, I forced my feet to move towards the café and blocked whatever my mind is conjuring to stop me from doing this.

Once inside, I look around and found her seated at the table located in the corner. She seems oblivious of my presence yet. Why is talking to her making me nervous? And so after building up my courage, I walk towards her.

Remain calm, Kongpob. You need to know why she wants to talk to you. Don't assume things. Let her talk first.

I took the seat across her and she looked up, surprised.

"Are you and Ai'Oon back together?" Great! There goes the let her talk first and don't assume things.

Her eyes widened and after a few seconds, she laughed. Just great! I think I just made a fool of myself.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "So you call him Ai'Oon, huh?" she asked, eyes staring at me.

Suddenly, I feel defensive. "Yeah. Why? Are you going to tell me not to? That you are the only one who can call him Oon? You two have already broken up so— wait. You didn't answer my question. Are you two back together?" I can't help but ask again. I saw Ai'Oon calling her on the day he decided to leave. I can't be at ease without knowing this fact.

She stared long at me and I can't help but fidget on my seat. She's staring at me as if she's calculating and reading me and I feel so uncomfortable under her stare. After a while, a corner of her lip curved up in a mysterious grin. She took a sip of her coffee before she puts the cup back on the saucer and crosses her legs.

"We're not back together. Actually, I have a new lover now."

Shocked, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. What? Already? But they just broke up. Isn't that too fast? But I should be happy, right? That means she no longer is my competition. But... Is that why Ai'Oon is like this now? Sad, cold and just— different.

I glared hard at her. "Ai'Oon called you. He disappeared after that. And now that he's back, he's acting different. Is it because of you? Does he know about your new boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" She arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. "What makes you think it's a boyfriend?" she asked, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend'.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused but she didn't answer my question. Instead, she looked past behind me and smiles. I turned around and saw a beautiful woman walking towards us.

"Sorry I'm late," she said and my eyes almost dropped on the floor when the newcomer gave Prae a kiss on the lips and Prae accepted it like it's the most normal thing to do.

"Close your mouth, Kongpob. I want you to meet my girlfriend."

Still very surprised, I looked at the newcomer smiling at me. She bowed her head a little before taking a seat next to Prae. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Khun Kongpob. My name is Cherry and yes, I am Prae's girlfriend."

I blink at them like a fool. I couldn't find my voice. Hell, I don't even know what to think.

"He's very surprised, babe," Cherry told Prae, her voice sounding worried. "I think he's not breathing. Should we call an ambulance?"

"You're being silly. Stop teasing the poor man," Prae replied and gave Cherry a kiss on the cheek which made the latter giggle.

"Okay, time to get serious." Prae looks at me again with a determination in her eyes. "I asked to talk you because I want to talk about Oon."

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