26 - Heart to Heart

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No one seems to realize that one of us have completely gone mute while the rest are still absorbed with the conversation at hand. He hasn't spoken a word for a few minutes now and he just keeps on playing with his food. Even his half empty pink milk lays forgotten on the side of his plate. We are talking about pink milk here, his most favorite of all his favorites and for him to not touch it speaks a thousand words. Not to mentions that he's currently sporting a sullen face. Don't judge me but I've been a mother hen to this guy for the longest time and my motherly instinct is currently kicking right now. Something is definitely wrong.

"Arthit?" I tried calling him but he didn't hear me. He still seems lost in his own thoughts. I tried again and nudge his feet and this time, I got a reaction. He jumped on his seat with wide eyes.

"What? Who kicked me?" he asked, very much shocked before sitting down again to his chair.

"I didn't kick you. I just simply nudged your feet because you didn't hear me calling you," I explained and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, Knot. I was thinking of something. What is it?"

"Yeah, you've been quiet. What are you thinking about?" Maprang asked with a teasing grin on her face. "Are you thinking about your beautiful girlfriend?" she added, giggling.

I could see Arthit fidgeting on his seat, his eyes darting everywhere uncomfortably. The girls aren't around when he told us about his breakup so it's obvious Maprang isn't aware of it.

"They broke up, girl. Lover boy here now is free and super duper mega ready to mingle~" Toota chipped in with a jolly voice and I can see how Arthit turned even more uncomfortable.

"I just have a sudden realization!" Bright interrupted and everyone looked at him, waiting for whatever it is he realized. "That means I'll have competition with the girls now! Nooooo..!!"

I internally face palmed. Expect Bright to say the most bright thing.

"As if you're a competition. Arthit can have any girls here without lifting a finger while you on the other hand, won't have any even if you beg for it," Prem teased which made Bright glare at him.

"Hey! That's not true! I'm just not serious, is all! I can be serious and get a girl for myself!"

"Can I be first in line when you're about to choose your next girlfriend, Arthit?" Maprang repeatedly blinks his eyes towards Arthit who looks like he is about to run away any minute now with how our absurd group is acting. I was about to give them a lecture but someone beats me to it.

"Can you all stop acting like idiots and start acting like grownup adults that you really are?" N'Dae is on his feet with his arms crossed against his chest while he glares at everyone. "P'Arthit just broke up with his girlfriend and you are acting like it's not a big deal. So insensitive of you. And you call yourselves his friends?"

Everyone bowed their heads in shame and muttered a soft sorry and something like, "We just want to cheer you up a little, sorry."

"And besides, P'Arthit doesn't have to get anyone anymore. Someone special is already beside him." That got my attention. I look at the smirking N'Dae with an arched eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Who is it? You?" Wad asked, the side of his lips curving upwards. "You've been difficult to everyone but him. Do you like Arthit?"

"Huh? You like Arthit, N'Dae?" Tew asked, his expression grim.

"P'Arthit is like a big brother to me so no."

"Uh guys... Can we stop talking about me and my love life?" Arthit asked, looking very uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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