17 - Gloomy Sky

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My eyes slowly opened and I was met with the darkness of my room. I flinched when the throbbing of my head assaulted me again. I've been having this headache since yesterday and even though I already took a painkiller, the pain just won't go away. Sighing, I pulled myself in a sitting position and stared at the clock hanging on the wall as I massage my head to ease the pain if only a little. Too early.

I was startled when the sound of a door being opened echoed in the quiet room. My eyes went wide at the sight of Ai'Oon emerging from the bathroom with his hand holding a towel on his head and drying his wet hair.

"Ai'Oon?" I let out, voice almost a whisper but enough for the other occupant of the room to hear it. I saw him glance at me for a moment before he continues on his way to the cabinet and taking his uniform out.

I was too overwhelmed by the happiness that I felt for simply seeing this man after almost 2 days that I failed to realize the difference in his demeanor. My feet found the floor and I ran towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"I miss you, Ai'Oon! Where have you been? You got me so worried about you," I told him as I tighten my embrace. I really miss him. And I'm really worried too. He was acting weird before he decided to just disappear.

After a while, I realize that I got no response from him, neither through words nor through action and so I pulled a little from him but still keeping my arms boldly around him. "Ai'Oon?"

He just stood there unmoving, his eyes casted downwards. I called his name again, hoping to get a reaction this time and I did. His hands slowly move until they are touching my arms. He pried them off him before he walked towards his bag. He slings it over his shoulder and I almost gasp when he turned to me and I saw his eyes for the very first time today.

"I'm going first," his cold voice travelled to my ears and I almost shiver. It's not only his voice that turned cold. His eyes as well. Gone is the shimmer that makes his eyes so bright like the sun and it was replaced by something that I couldn't quite grasp but whatever it is, it took my jolly Ai'Oon away.

I watch him disappear before the door and it makes me wonder if Ai'Oon really came back or it was just a nightmare that I dreamt.

We were seated in the library doing our homework for the next class when Aim elbowed me in the arm. I looked at him questioningly and his eyes gestured to Ai'Oon sitting across from me before he mouthed, 'What's wrong with him?' I shrugged my shoulders and slumped on my seat. I wish I know but I really don't know what's happening to him. Even Knot has cornered me a while ago, asking the same question. Nobody knows anything. He still comes with us like the usual but he doesn't talk at all, except when he needs to answer us with our questions but even that, his response are limited to 2-3 words. Even the snobby Dae who smiles at the sight of him is sulking because he couldn't get Ai'Oon to talk to him like before.


I cringe and gritted my teeth as I heard that voice. And soon enough, Nai had his arm over my shoulder and grinning to everyone's shocked face. "Didn't I tell you to—"

"Yes, I know. Sorry. Hard habit to break," he answered still grinning. I closed my eyes and counted to calm my nerves.

"Is this new kid your boyfriend, Kongpob?"

My eyes flew open and stared at Wad who gave the question with a calm face like he did not just ask a disturbing question. And before I could answer him, Nai cackled so loud as if that question is the most hilarious thing he heard in his life but cried when a ruler smack his head. He glared at the perpetrator and I smirked when I saw who it was.

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