Immortal War

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  You hit first, I'll hit back,
Listen to the sound as your spine cracks,
We continue to attack,
The damage will continue to stack
Run away, run away,
You'll pay the price if you choose to stay,
When we slash, the blood will spray,
Our innocents will never again see the light of day
Help me please, help me, please,
I need someone to put my mind at ease,
The hate between us is like a darkness that spreads its disease,
And the more it consumes, the more I'll freeze
Who is the dark and who is the light,
I can not tell in this fight,
Neither of us are in the right,
The end of this seems to no longer be in sight
With scowls etched into our faces,
We've traveled to darker places,
The kindness within us has left no traces,
The hate we have for each other bounds us together with laces
Red string of fate,
More like red string of hate,
I can no longer see Heaven's Golden Gates,
Forever we'll be stuck in this warlike state
With each strike, it feels like I've been hit to my very core,
Our pain and suffering will last forevermore,
End this war, end this war,
For I cannot take it anymore  


  Poem was written on: August 15th, 2017.  

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