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Their eyes, so cruel and lifeless

Their eyes, holding no emotion

I scream and cry for them to let me go

But they won't even look at me

They drag me by the arm, twisted grin on their lips

But their eyes hold nothing

A silent glance sends a chill down my spine

My eyes hold tears

Their eyes hold only their own color

I want to break free

But they are so much stronger

As they beat and batter me, I can hear others start to cheer

They're grinning down at me

But their eyes, they still hold nothing

Dull glass shoved into their sockets

It's all I can compare it to

I try to look away

But I can't

They force me to keep staring back at them

With those eyes

The eyes without a soul

The eyes that can withstand the suffering of the innocent

The eyes that bury a sick enjoyment for other's pain

Their grins stretch so far

It doesn't match the emotionless look in their eyes

How many times have they done this?

To the point where their eyes no longer show their joy

The world around me fades

I feel dizzy

I can't keep my eyes open

I can't stay awake

The last thing I see

The very last thing

It's their dull eyes  

Poems From The Dark MindedWhere stories live. Discover now