Nightmares All Around (1/2)

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As I fell, I saw the white around me start to taper

White tapered into blackness; inky, inky blackness

I felt nothing as I fell, other than a falling sensation

Whether or not I was screaming, I do not know

I could not hear myself

Then I felt cold metal start to touch my arms

The tips felt like claws, and the sides felt like drills

They were sharp, and the claws dug into my skin

Pain seared through my arms as the unseeable claws cut my arms

I knew I was screaming, but I still could not hear

I looked around with tears running down my face and blood running down my arms

Yet I saw nothing around

The entity blended into the inky blackness that surrounded me

I squeezed my eyes shut in cried out for help, unaware how loud I was, or if the entity heard

All I could feel was the pain

All I could see when I opened my eyes was the blood running out of the deep cuts the entity had left

The cold metal claws sunk deeper and deeper, until I felt it hit bone

Pain became unbearable, and I no longer tried to scream

All I could do was wish for it to end

And suddenly, I was in my room

My arms were unscathed

I was in my bed

Everything was normal

Except one thing

It was beside me

The marking of drill-like claws, in blood


  Poem was written on June 10th, 2018.  

Poems From The Dark MindedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora