Broken Mask

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The mask is broken, now I must flee,

They saw the part of me I never wanted them to see

I never wanted them to know,

But now that they do, I must go

There's nothing left for me now,

For the life I tried to live, it's time I took a bow

Problems always arise when things seem to have gotten better,

The last thing I'll leave behind is a letter

A letter filled with my feelings,

Apologies and failed dealings

I leave behind the mask, now broken in two,

It showed my facade and what I hid beneath for my emotions to subdue

To hide in plain sight, it put my mind at ease,

That maybe they'll put it together,

And the problems would end forever

But now I regret sticking around,

Because now I'll be leaving them with the pain that I'll never be found

If only things could've had a happier ending,

By my mind can't take any more bending

Whether or not I'm alive, it does not matter,

Remembering me either way will only make you sadder

To the only ones that cared, I'm so sorry,

That I wasn't able to hold my promises or stay with all of you, just take any memory of me and bury [it]

You'll forget about my existence soon enough,

And I'm sorry, but on this one, you can't call my bluff

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