This is Why

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One day, dad asked me why I won't speak to him anymore.

And I responded:

After all you did, I'll never be the same,

Because whenever you scream, I hear her pain

My mind is left with a scar,

You're lucky I've held out to not send myself into the stars

Forgiveness is out of the question,

When you refuse to realize you were wrong and deflect the truth every fighting session

A monster is what you've become,

But I've hated you long before this all had begun

You lost my respect with your arrogant nature,

And that you couldn't take a second to listen to my problems tore through my patience like a razor

You've brought this on yourself, this bitter end,

Your stubborn delusion caused us all to break from all the bend

Kicked us out once,

Of course, these delusions have made you a dunce

I've been told you'd die for me,

But I couldn't care less, you see

Unless it's a way, to get you to wake up

But you refuse to sip from the cup

The cup of truth,

Anyone's efforts are of little use

Amongst a dunce, you are also a horse

We can lead you to water, but you refuse to drink with the utmost force

I've stepped away for all of this,

And whenever you're away, I'm in bliss

Yet I still have to "care" for you,

Because you're my dad, but every shot with me is something you've blew

Whenever I hear the gallop of your heavy hooves,

It's myself I try to remove

Remove myself from the room,

It's your anger I don't want to see bloom

But these walls are only so thick,

I try to hold out through the noise as time slowly ticks

And I feel part of me break a little every time,

Because you hurt mom with delusions of organized crime

It's time for me to leave, and to end this story,

For if you ever lay a hand on mom you'll be my quarry

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