Never Stop Running

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As I run, I hear the shots behind me,

But I do not dare turn to see

For I know who lets off gunfire in my wake,

I know that my life is heavily at stake

They want me for not being the ideal image,

Slowly, people like me diminish

We had done nothing wrong,

All I'm able to do is continue to run along

Over the hills and through the woods,

Along to the safehouse we go, losing our childhoods

"Keep running!" my friend called to me, those being his last words,

He was quickly shot down, that had been the last thing from him I'd heard

Pain pulses through my heart with each beat,

It's getting harder to take the heat

The heat of the hate,

The heat that could forever seal my fate

I must keep going,

For how long, there is simply no knowing

I silently pray peace will befall once more,

But I can still hear the faint knocks of death on doors

My lungs burn,

To my home, I may never return

My legs ache,

It seems I'll never catch a break

I sprint over hills as fast as I can,

I remember my mother telling me tales of the Gingerbread man

Through the woods and over the branches and rocks,

I remember calmly walking with my friends and making small talk

I must keep on the run,

Or else, my life is over and done  

Poems From The Dark MindedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon