In the Eyes Of The Cheated

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  People have always fallen for your charm,
They never did realize it's nothing more than a warning alarm,
Your true intentions are weapons that you'll never disarm,
In the end, all that came to them was harm
You're a person I fail to avoid,
Causing me pain is something that makes you overjoyed,
My self-worth is what you've destroyed,
Slowly I become nothing more than an emotionless droid
It seems you've been made to do these things from the day you were born,
Your 'affection' is nothing more than a deadly thorn,
They don't listen to me no matter how much I warn,
Because of you, my heart is torn
When you first meet them, you act sweet,
Then you cheat,
After that you hit delete,
Wash, rinse, and repeat
When I first met you, I thought it was fate,
But all I did was fall for your bait,
You left me and countless others in this shattered state,
You're a person I've genuinely come to hate
Our relationship wasn't ideal,
And the scars you left on me will never heal,
The tears are what I always conceal,
I'm sure sympathy is something you can't feel
You cause the pain,
I've been left with a reminder in the form of a stain,
I feel like we're connected by a heavy chain,
Oh how I wish I could say I was still completely sane
Inside I've died,
Day after day I cried and cried,
But all sadness set aside,
It's your life that is soon to slide  


  Poem was written on: September 11th, 2017.  

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