Rotting Kingdom

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(A/N): Language warning. Also, this somewhat goes along to the music of the song "Daughter of Evil" starting from the chorus-y part.

The loser hides behind,

His kingdom of demise

Deflecting the truth so stubbornly!

Miserable as ever, they suffered by his side,

Just to pave the road ahead, his destiny full of cyanide

Driving away the one thing he'd always die for,

With his arrogant nature sticking out like a sore

Hurting the lady he had known for so long,

Spouting stupid lies even beyond the duration of this song

His little daughter had really had enough,

Putting up with his bullshit was really getting tough

No matter how much she begged her loving mother to put it to an end,

There was nothing she could do, otherwise, they'd be on the streets to fend

They both knew that fact all too well,

And it was something the both of them tried not to dwell

And each time the rotting king would raise his voice,

His dear little princess would flinch at the noise

Her mother had long stopped the yelling of her own,

All she would do is give an irritated moan

The little princess had long lost respect,

For the wretched man who bugged her like an insect

But the lovely lady would always chastise her,

Saying "Respect him, he's your father."

What made it worse was that the whole family was like that,

It drove her crazier than a bat!

But who would we be, 

If we didn't see

What the lovely lady would endure each scene?

She still loved him all the same,

Even after the rotting king called her a cheating dame

She tried to be patient, 

Weary of the fog lurking in his head

She had never done a thing wrong,

Even beyond the duration of this song

But the rotting king would sing otherwise

Said she had cheated on him with many men,

His brother, nephew, and many more of them

Painting her quite the disgusting whore,

But it's not even true,

Not a single bit,

All of it a ruse!

A ruse inside his head,

Weighing their relationship with a block of lead

The whole family knew of the rotting king's mind,

And knew the lovely lady was nothing of his lies

But they still held their loyalty,

To the rotting king, even when it's threats to the innocent he sings

All except the little princess,

Who writes this song as the rotting kingdom crumbles upon its mess

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