End Of Misery

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 "It's over!" I hear one of them cry

"We're free!" I hear another in sigh in relief

It indeed was over, and we were free,

Soldiers from another country

I saw them swarm in through the doors

They took out the guards and led us out

We were desperate to leave, so we followed

It was no trick, they had come to our rescue

We sobbed with joy

It all seemed like a dream

After so long, we could hardly fathom the day it would be over

But it was real

It was all real

There were no lies to be pulled

There was nothing hidden from us

We could leave,

We were set free

The smoke of despair had cleared

We rose from the ashes of torment

We could feel the sunlight on our skin

We could inhale the fresh air

After too long a wait,

This moment had changed what we thought to be our fate

We were alive

We could feel our hearts beating strong in our chest

We walked away from that awful place

It was over, it was the end of misery  

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