Hide Away

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"You must hide away,"

It's what they say

I hide and hide,

My time I bide

I try my hardest to keep silent,

Yet the bad men are still violent

They're looking for me,

It's what I see

"Keep brave, dear,"

That's what I hear

But how can I be brave,

If I'm constantly wanted to be sent to my grave

Try as I might,

I'm slowly losing my will to fight

"Keep strong, sweetheart,"

The words of encouragement start to feel like poison darts

How long must I hide from others,

The cramped spaces are causing me to be smothered

When will this end,

How far can I continue to bend

Until, under all the pressure, I break,

What will it cause me, perhaps a dire mistake  

Poems From The Dark MindedWhere stories live. Discover now