What You Like About Each Other (Sebastian Stan)

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•Loyalty, he never has to worry about you cheating because he knows you're loyal. He loves that he can trust you in any situation.

•Lips, even when they're not on him he loves just to look at them. Especially when you lick or bite your lips he thinks it's the cutest thing ever.

•Kisses, he loves your kisses. He loves the feeling of your lips against his. Your kisses are sweet and gentle and he loves that.

•Fun, you're so fun to be with. He can't help but have a good time even if you're just cuddling on the couch. Never fails to make him smile.

•Open, you're open with everything, from how you feel or what you're thinking about. He loves that he can be the one that you tell everything to.

•Trust, this ties into loyal but he loves that he trusts you hanging out with other guys. He knows for a fact you won't ever cheat or do anything to hurt him.

•Emotional Strength, he loves that you can keep strong with all the hate you get from some of his fans for dating him. He can tell it doesn't bug you and he loves that. You're the strongest person he knows, he admires that.


•Hair, you love playing with Sebastian's hair, it's so soft and fluffy. He loves when you play with it, it makes him calm.

•Clothing, you love to steal his clothing. Especially his jackets because they're big on you and they're comfortable. Also, his shirts and sometimes sweatpants when he's away from home.

•Honesty, he's honest about EVERYTHING, he can't ever lie to you. And if he does he can't hold it in and lands up telling you the truth anyway.

•Being himself, he can be himself around you and you love that. He's funny and serious around you and you love that.

•Smile, his smile makes you melt. You love his smile and you think it's the cutest thing ever. It lights up the entire room.

•Eyes, you love to stare into his eyes because of how blue and pretty they are.

•Trust, lastly just like him, you trust him. You trust him with going and hanging out with other girls without having to worry about anything happening. He would never hurt you.

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