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"Get the fuck out!" She shouts after I finish telling her everything. "He totally came to your rescue! Your mom kicked you out, then he suggested you run away, then he let you basically be his roommate! Lex, this is too cute!"

"Braey, it's nothing... serious." I mumble and think about us having sex. That's the part I left out. Don't get me wrong, Sebraeya is someone I tell everything to, but Sebraeya is also someone who gets excited about things. If I tell her that Jack took my virginity, she'd freak out and catch everyone's attention, then they would find out what she was freaking out about, then the word would get around, then Jack would think I told everyone our business and that's something I desperately don't want.

"Nothing serious my ass! I'm calling it. You two are going to end up together. I knew it from the beginning when you were arguing with him at Janine's." She says with a huge smile on her face but I don't respond.

Jack's POV•

We chill in Taylor's room, hitting the bong and drinking. I figured that since Alexis isn't drinking, I could. She won't let anyone drive her car anyway.

Taylor tries to hand me the bong, but I pass. My head is throbbing and the light is making my headache worse than it already is. I nudge Taylor's arm to get his attention and he looks at me with squinted eyes.

"Do you have Advil or some shit?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and he laughs.

"Oh yeah, I got some shit. It'll take your headache away real fast." He says, handing me three white pills and without hesitation, I wash them down with beer.




"Jack, what the fuck are you doing?" Alexis' voice fills my ears and I try to open my eyes but I struggle. "I can't believe you!" Her hand comes flying across my face, causing a loud slap and people around us stare.

Alexis' POV•

"I'm gonna go look for Jack," I say, standing up and walk up the stairs to Taylor's room. I enter without knocking and when I do, I witness Jack sitting on the bed nodding out.

"Jack," I say, shaking his shoulders but he struggles to open his eyes as his mouth hangs open and he drools. "Jack, what the fuck are you doing?" I shout and Nash stumbles towards me.

"Taylor gave him some good shit." He stutters and I push him off of me.

"I can't believe you!" I shout, slapping him across the face before I could stop myself and walk off. I can't believe he'd do this when he knew how serious I was about pills in the first place. Pot and alcohol are okay, but pills that make you nod out sickens me and brings back terrible memories and I can't stand to relive them.

Once I make my way down the stairs, tears are streaming down my cheeks and Sebraeya grabs my arm.

"Lex, what's wrong?" She asks, giving me a hug.

"I need somewhere to stay tonight. I can't stay with him, Braey." I cry into her shoulder and she rubs my back.

"Shh, it's okay. You can stay the night with me. I'm ready to go anyway." She tells me. "Plus, I need a ride home."

I chuckle while wiping under my eyes and we make our way out to my car. He can find his own fucking ride home.


Once we get to her house, we chill in her room, talking about her and Cameron. My mind travels back to earlier when I saw the guy I love nodding out. I hate seeing him stoop as low as some of the people I grew up around. I have a hatred towards those types of people for bringing their habits around me when I was just a little girl.

"So um, can I ask what happened earlier at the party?" She asks and I nod.

"He took some pills and I caught him nodding out. You can only imagine how bad it hurt me." I tell her and she looks at me with complete sorrow in her eyes. My mind also travels back to what happened when Janine was yelling at him for being just like his father. If she finds out that he's been doing this, she's going to send him back to Nebraska. He can't ruin this for us.

It's been hours since we left the party and I haven't heard from him. But I have heard from Cameron and according to him, Jack keeps asking for me. But, that's too bad because I'm beyond mad at him. He knew how I felt, and he popped pills anyway.

"I don't know about you, but I'm tired and I want to go to bed."

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired."

We change into our pajamas and soon enough we're falling asleep.

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