Chapter 5

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"you seem to like him..." my dad said as he sat next to me.

"dad!" I said.

"what?" He asked me.

"You can't just asked me that...." I told him.

"Why not?" He asked me.

"cause it's weird....." I told him. Then stood up. "I'll be in my room..." I told him then made my way to my room slowly. do they just let they do this to people and get away with it? once I made it to my room I laid down on my bed. It was what I think four or so. I didn't want to go to sleep cause I might walk up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep. so i got up and grapped a book of my bookself. When I sat down on my bed agian i looked at the book I pick. I grabbed Gone With The Wind. I then began to read it. I got halfway through when my dad came and got me. i then put my book down after marking my spot and walked to the kitchen/dining room and we ate dinner.

"So do you fell better?" He asked me.

"yeah...." I told him as I finish up my dinner. i then stood up.

"Where are you going? " He asked me.

"I was in the middle of a really great book and I want to finish it...." I told him then put my plant in the sink and went back to my room and started reading agian. But that didn't work out. I was two thirds away though and I fell asleep.

* * * * * *

I then woke up with the sun in my eyes and my book in my hands. I then marked my place in my book and got up and walked into the living room. When I got in there there was a note on the table. It was from my dad he just told me that he went to woke and will be back when the sun goes down. I then walked into the kitchen and saw it was only eight. I then walked to the fridge and got out a glass of juice. I then walked back to my room to change since I was still in the cloths from yesterday. I walked over to my dresser I grabbed a pair of jeans shorts and a pink tanktop I then put on my black converts. Once I was dressed and had my hair up in a bun I grabbed my book and walked into the living room and grabbed my leather jacket., then I walked out onto the porch and sat on the steps and began too read the book agian.

I know i know this was a boring chapter but I couldn't think out what to put. but you'll what I'll think that you love it.

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