Chapter 22

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Just as the train pulled up Rosie stated to wake up.

"Pepper, where are we?" She asked me as she rubbed her eye.

"We are about to get on a train to our new home..." I told her as I stood up graping our bags. I then took my free hand and held it out for her to take it. At first she looked at me then got up graping my hand at the man yelled "all aboard". We walked to the doors and u handed him the tickets and he sighed it then handed it back to me. We then took a seat in a car that didn't have very many people there was only like one more other than us.

"How long are we going to be on this?" She asked me.

"About five hours...." I told her and the train started off.

* * * * * * * * * *

we where coming close to the stop. And most of the time I thought about what Ponyboy said to me. His tone was so hurtful and mean. As the train stopped I woke Rosie back up. It was morning. Sic to be exact. I took our bags and her hand. Once off the train and past all the people. Once I pushes us throught the crowd. I found the phone and we walked over there.

"Now, don't you go runnin off. I don't feel like chasing my kid sister around...." I told her laughing alittle too. She gave me a smile and let go of my hand and sat on her bag. I then put the change in and dial there number.

"Hello?" Soda's vocie came on.

"Hey, Soda, Darry told me to call when I got in..." I told him.

"Alright, I tell him your here and we'll come git you and your sister...." He told me.

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