Chapter 12

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I quickly shoved him off.

"What the hell!!!!" I yelled at him.

"What it's not like you have a boyfriend...." He told me, and he was right. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"How do you know that!?!?" I asked him, trying not to yell. But I did.

"if you were someone's girl, he wouldn't let you being crying all my yourself..." He said, but I just started to walk away. But he just had to run up and walk next to me.

"go away!" I yelled at him.

"no... not till you answer my question...." He told me and I stopped.

"what?" I asked him. He then grabbed my hands and held them in his. ok then....

"I want you to be my girl...." He said and then pulled me into a another kiss before I could answer.

"What!" I heard Phonyboy yell. I then got my hands free and shoved him off me.

"Phonyboy...." I say and he start to run. I then look back at the Soc who keeps messing everything up. "I hate you!" I yell at him then run after Phonyboy. "Phonyboy! Please! Let me explain! " I yell as I case after him. Then Soda came out of no where and grap me letting Phony get away. "Sodapop Curtis let me go!" I yell and struggle to get away.

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