Chapter 17

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"They won't send you to no girl's home...." Darry told me trying to stop me from getting myself sent there.

"But I have no family..." I say.

"What about your mom?" Pony asked me and I turned and looked at him.

"She already taking care of my sister, she can't take care of two kids..." I tell him.

"Well, I'm sorry but that's where you going to half to go..." the officer told me and I looked and Pony, I had the most hurt look I could ever have in my life as I walked over to my boxes of tings and picked up my backpack that had all my favorite things. I then hurried through the boxes for my book.

"I can't find my book..." I said and then Pony took off running. He left me. I'm leaving and he left me. And i had the Hirt look on my face agian.

"I'm sorry but we half to go, you'll get the rest of your things latter..." the first officer told me. The gang then gave me hugs. First Darry.

"Im going to miss you, but I'll keep fighting the get custody over you.." He told me. Then Steve.

"Here something to remember me by..." He said the hand my a really nice switch blade. Then Two-Bit.

"Isnt going to be the same without you...." He told me. Then Soda gave me a hug.

"I'm month going miss you.." He told me.

"I'm going to miss all of you..." I told them then looked over to were Pony run off to. I then slowly turned and walked to the police car with the officers waiting for me.

"Wait!" I heard Pony yell, so I stop and look back. I saw him running with something in his hand. He quickly got to me. "Here, I want you to have this..." Pony told me as he handed me his copy of Gone With The Wind. I remember him telling me that his old buddy Johnny gave this too him.

"No, Pony, I can't you love this book...." I tell him but he put the book in my bag. I then pulled him into a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much..." I tell him tears starting to flow from my eyes.

"I just got you I can't loss...." Pony crud out to me.

"No, please don't make this harder than it is...." I cried to him.

"I love you..." He tells me and I tried to give him the best smile I could.

"I love you too...." I tell him then he pulled me into a kiss. Once I pulled away from the kiss I hurried and got into the car. I didn't dare look back.

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