Chapter 6

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I only had about ten more pages to read when I felt someone sit next to me. I look up to that it Ponyboy.

"Hey Pony...." I said then got back to reading my book.

"Whats you reading?" He asked me sounding all cheery.

"Gone With The Wind.. " i told him.

"oh..." is all he said and he was no longer cheery. I then put my book down, after marking my spot, and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing it just I read that to my best friend cause he couldn't read the big words, and he's dead...." He told me and I could tell he was trying not to cry.

"Ponyboy it's ok to cry...." I told him.

"No then the others will think I'm weak..." He said as he stared at the ground.

"Who cares about what others think.... it only matters what you think of yourself...." I told him and he looked up and me and smiled.

"thanks..." He said and I smiled back at him. "So you want to go to the park or down to the DX?" He asked me.

"the DX?" I asked him. He mush of forgot I was still new to this town.

"Oh Soda and his best bud Steve work down there its a gas station and garage...." He told me and I nodded my head to let him know that I knew what he was talking about now. "So where you want to go?" He asked me agian.

"I want to go the the park...." I told him.

"ok..." He said then got up and held out his hand to help me up so I took his hand and grabbed my jacket as he helped me up. We then began to walk and talk. Once we got to the park we went over and sat on the swings.

"So Ponyboy are those... um... Soc alway do that?" I asked him.

"yeah... they do..." He told me.

"oh..." I said then began to swing.

"Don't worry I'll make sure it won't happen agian...." He told me and I looked back at him, as I swung back and forth, and smiled at him and he smiled back. We them talked alittle more till a car pulled up. The same car for before. I stopped in my tracks and causing me to almost fall out of the swing, but I didn't. I was froze, my hands were glued to the chains. Then out of the blue Phonyboy stood up and took my hand and we began to walk.

"Were are we going? " I asked/whispered to him.

"to the DX, Soda and Steve are there...." He whisperer back to me. I didn't want to look back to see of they were following me, but being me I turned and took and they were walking behide us.

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