Chapter 16

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Every second I was closer and closer the letting my tears out.

"Get on my back..." Phony wisppered to me like the first time. I quickly got on his back and he took off running. "Hold on as tight as you can..." He tells me.

"Ok..." I tell him as I held on alittle tighter. " we're are we going? " I asked him.

"I don't know.... just as far as away I can get you from that man..." He told me.

"Go to the police station..." I suggested.

"Ok..." He said then took a sharp turn around the curb and down into town. It didn't take up long to get there. But once he/us ran through the door. We were swarmed by officers. Pony then sat me down and we explained what happened and they took of to were we still think my dad was. We even got to ride in on of the car to were they were going. Once we got there they were already trying to get my dad in one of the cars. And me and Phony couldn't help but laugh at they way he was acting. Darry then ran up to us.

"You two ok?" He asked us.

"Yeah..." I tell him. Then two officer walk up to us.

"Pipper..." one of them say.

"Yes?" I say.

"We need you to come with us..." He tells me and I look at him with shock.

"I-im sorry, but I cant..." I finally told him.

"Your under the age of 18, you have no choice..." the other offers told me.

"Well I should, cause I'm going...." I tell him and stand there. Ready to run, cause I'm not going with them.

"Pepper, don't argue with them..." Darry told me in a calm voice.

"But they'll take me off to some girl's home... I'm not going!" I say. And i looked over at Pony and he looked hurt. Cause we both know in the long run. I'll be taken away.

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