Chapter 11

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"THAT boy! has cared about me more in these few days than you ever have!" I yelled at him. I thought that he was going to yell at me, but he turned out smacking me across the face causing me to fall to the ground. I looked up and saw Darry run up and punch my dad and Two-Bit, Soda, Steve, and Phonyboy where trying to break up the fight. I then got up and started running, I don't know if anyone saw me. but I hope they didnt, I wanted to be alone right now. I ran till that same car pulled up and the four boys got out.

"look at who has been crying..." the one that first hit me said.

"what do you want?" I asked sounding mad. and I kinda was.

"oh, come one... We just were making sure you were ok..." He said and motioned the other to live and they did. "Now, why was a pretty girl like you crying?" He asked me amd I began to walk and he walked next to me.

"leave me alone..." I told him as I kep walking but he kept walking right next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Don't worry about it...." I told him.

"no, I'm going to worry about it. till you tell you been crying..." He told me.

"if you really cared you wouldn't have beat me up TWICE." I said then stopped in my tracks.

"ok you're right about that, but people can change...." He tild me as he stood in front of me.

"They can't change in a day, not people like you..." I told him.

"there are no people like me...." He said defending himself.

"there are always people like you..." I told him then turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me around to face him.

"people can changed in a day..." He tells me then the next thing I knew that his lips were on mine.

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